Search results

  1. X

    Balboa's Restaurant

    Great for breakfast. Very underrated as one the the best.
  2. X

    Rocky Point Beaches are better then California's because.........

    Number 6 has seven good reasons alone. Too many rules in California to have fun.
  3. X

    " i smuggles some smokes and folks from mexico, baked by the sun, everytime i go to

    The best Willin' is on Little Feat's first albem and Rye Cooder is playing slid. Just my favorite anyway.
  4. X

    XM radio

    I can't live down in PP/RP without it. I have a portable and I use it in my car, home and in Mexico.
  5. X

    Thai Food in Penasco !

    Looks great. Love good Thai food.
  6. X

    In Spite of Ourselves

    Seen John Prine two times, the last being in November, at the Fox, Tucson, Az. Outstanding. Ladyjeeper, if you like Iris Dement, youtube her song, My Town. You may have done so already. Treat youself to Lucinda Williams if you have'nt yet done so.
  7. X

    Sea Lion bumps my kayak

    Thank you as always.
  8. X

    Roger Clyne phone interview

    I am making a batch of homeaid Sangria. An old recipe when I was a bartender at Fridays back in the 70's. Very good and very potent. I am importing an old bud comming in from North Carolina. This will be his second show in PP/RP.
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    Urgent Scam Warning

    I hope that they still have some left a K-Mart. I guess that color does not matter.
  10. X

    Sad Day for Heavy Metal...

    Seadweller, this song was in the movie, The Big Wednesday. Very cool song. I do not know how to download this stuff. A very good song is the theme from The Endless Summer. It is by the Sandials. Another good song that they do is Wingnut's Theme Song. I know how you like Dick Dale music...
  11. X

    mexico as a failed state

    I am a retired parole supervisor of 23 years. I have worked with literally tens of thousands of people that have been in prison from criminal trespassing to first degree murder. I have never seen a person go to prison for crimes that involved marijuana other than being in position of marijuana...
  12. X

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter to all.
  13. X

    Ultralites on Sandy Beach

    I myself love the noise of fireworks, police sirens the fire department band playing music at 3:00a.m.. It's the noise of life in Mexico and it for me is peaceful. Sounds odd but if it is without these sounds, it,s creepy. Submarine; you said your peace with perfection. I am in full...
  14. X

    Ultralites on Sandy Beach

    The first time that I saw one of these, the pilot landed on the beach. Some ladies gathered are were looking at it. The pilot strapped her in, and flew off with her. I want one. By the way; how come the people that were here first always have to go away so that condo people are happy?
  15. X

    Are all the beaches, uh, rocky?

    I always enjoy good stories of the past.
  16. X

    Day On The Water Night On Fire

    As always, perfect.
  17. X

    Are all the beaches, uh, rocky?

    I would agree on Desemboque. When I had my rail I would go miles down the beach. More shell and a lot nicer. Lobos is nicer than Desemboque but who goes that far.
  18. X

    Desert colors

    This past weedend the desert never looked better.
  19. X

    Are all the beaches, uh, rocky?

    You can get a tide chart from either Rocky Point Times or Join Us. The high tides is indicated at the high point of the hunp. They will aslo tell you on the chart what time it is. If you go to the beach about an hour prior to high tide, you will get a good couple of hours in. Your other...
  20. X

    Great news! Not directly related to RP, but want to share with my friends here

    Congradulation for his safe return. Thank you for raising a great son and for his service. God bless you both.