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  1. Stuart

    How to Lose a Million Bucks in One Easy Lesson...

    1. Go out, catch a tournament record 883 lb. blue marlin - the champagne flows! Close to 1 mil in prize money is yours, along with fame and fortune! 2. Find out that one of your crew did not have a valid fishing license. 3. Kiss all of it goodbye. Story here.
  2. Stuart

    Mazatlan Fishing

    Flew back into Phoenix yesterday from our Mazatlan trip. Thought I'd post a brief trip update. First, Mazatlan is absolutely gorgeous right now. Temps in the 80's and very comfortable. All the locals said the weather was odd for right now. Very much like "June Gloom" in California. Lots of...
  3. Stuart

    I'm Only Saying This Once - Read and Heed

    I can't be everywhere at once. When the name calling gets out of hand, I delete the thread -- as I just did on yet another one. As I said there, y'all need to get over yourselves and stop poking each other with sticks! Take your personal vendettas against each other to private message or email...
  4. Stuart

    Sunset Cruise Ship Mishap?

    Anybody know what happened at the Sunset Cruise ship dock on Saturday night? When we were heading down to Boobar about 8:30 or so, there was nothing but a sea of flashing lights from police and ambulance vehicles at the top of the dock. Was curious if anybody knows why -- my initial assumption...
  5. Stuart

    Watch Your FORD Trucks Closely!!! - Yet Again

    I put this one in the category of “some people just refuse to listen.” I suppose I could go further with “too stupid to live,” but given what happened, I’ll cut them slack. It’s no secret that Ford Super Duty trucks (particularly diesel 4x4’s) are being deliberately targeted and stolen in...
  6. Stuart

    Happy Birthday, Bill!

    Congratulations to Bill Hale (Woodspinner) and his lovely wife Edna on Bill's special day! Have you now officially achieved "a ripe old age"? Happy B-day Bill! I wish you all the best today and hope you and Edna have a great time!! :woo:
  7. Stuart

    Need a Ride Home

    Mi amigo Mark and his wife need a ride home from Penasco tomorrow (Monday). Anybody heading home that can bring them along? Otherwise, any shuttles they can take to get back to Glendale? PM me any info and I'll PM Mark's phone number. Thanks!
  8. Stuart

    Watch Your Trucks Closely - Part II!!

    Sad as I am to report this, my good friend Mark had his truck stolen last night, right from in front of the Penasco Del Sol, parked next to the Security Guard shack. F-350 diesel. Just got off the phone with him; he's still in Penasco right now trying to get a Police report and such. Videotape...
  9. Stuart

    Watch Your Trucks!! VERY CLOSELY!!

    Most of you that know me know I drive a big ol' F-250 diesel to haul my boat around. Well, ownership of said vehicle nearly changed hands this weekend to the narcos. Came into town Friday afternoon, got a room at Playa Inn, went and got the boat out of storage, cleaned and gassed it, then...
  10. Stuart

    New Smilies

    I've added even more emoticons for your posting pleasure. Have fun! :cluck::moon::gofishing::desert: and more!
  11. Stuart

    HUGE Great White Shark Caught!

    Go ahead, keep swimming with the sea lions, people... Three commercial guys caught this MONSTER great white yesterday just a few miles out. Actually got tangled in their nets and they somehow managed to subdue it. Measured nearly 18 ft. long; no idea of weight because they couldn't get it off...
  12. Stuart

    24' Airslot

    Well, while Shawn and Ric have been busy catching all the nice fish, I've been stuck at home with severe fishing withdrawal pains that have obviously led to dementia - I was considering buying another boat. Not a new boat, but this boat. This would make a perfect Rocky Point fishing boat. The...
  13. Stuart

    Why I Don't Swim with the Whales, Dolphins or Sealions...

    Or vaquitas, for that matter. :sunny: Shamu Stadium in Orlando
  14. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    I had mentioned this tequila in other threads - an original, unopened bottle of Roger Clyne's Mexican Moonshine. I decided to post it on E-Bay to see how much it would bring. You can watch the item (and/or bid, if so desired). Auction runs for 7 days and I have a reserve on it. Let's see...
  15. Stuart

    Welcome Back, Happy!

    Okay Happy, your ban has been lifted and you are free to once again associate with all the good people of this forum. NOTE: I personally asked Tyler to lift your ban. Please don't make me look like an ass and regret it. Just so you know, Tyler's words were something along the lines of: "Okay...
  16. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    This email was forwarded to me from a forum member. As best I can tell, it's perfectly legit, although I haven't been in Penasco to verify any of this. I'm posting it to let everyone know to stay alert. I know I often travel after dark at this time of year due to the short days. I'm usually...
  17. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 12/20/09

    Went down on Saturday afternoon and out fishing on Sunday. Buoyweather was spot on, but I didn't trust it. Water temps at 65 degrees right now. Opted to fish north (the direction of the swell) rather than head south to the 51 and risk the wind coming up instead of laying down. Lumpy in the...
  18. Stuart

    Cozying Up at the Border

    Well, for the first time in print, I've seen an official "why" we now have checks as we cross south into Mexico. The article below specifically mentions these stops checking for cash and guns. Looks like they'll be around for awhile...
  19. Stuart

    What is it?

    Audi caught this on his boat Saturday. We're all clueless as to what it is; we've never seen anything like it. Anybody want to venture a guess? That's part of the thrill of saltwater fishing - you never know what's going to be tugging on the other end of the line!
  20. Stuart

    100 Best Movie Quotes

    Invest 10 minutes of your life in watching this, you won't regret it, it's excellent. Plays in full screen at high resolution, unlike most youtube videos. Somebody spent a buttload of time putting this together! See how many of the movies you...