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  1. Stuart

    Fall Grouper Tournament

    Well, we have a tentative plan. Talked with Dave this weekend and the tournament has been funded. Best dates at the moment look like Oct. 12 and 13. Monday is Columbus Day, so some are likely to have it off from work. Fairly flat tide that weekend. No promises on the wind, obviously! More...
  2. Stuart

    Blowing Yet Again (still?)

    Friday weather here - cloudy and BLOWING. Changed a bilge pump out in the boat yesterday and thought I was gonna die of heat stroke. Thinking of heading down to La Pinta for some shore fishing today, no way the boat is going out. Oh well...
  3. Stuart

    Big Wind Sale

    Need I say more? Looks like the same crappy wind all week, Thurs. MAYBE decent... Sat. looking 15-20. <sigh> Anybody wanna buy a boat?
  4. Stuart

    Who Knew? Secret Tunnel Under Baja to Pacific!!

    Silly me, thinking I've heard nearly every secret rumor about Rocky Point over the years! Then, this today in the AZ Republic. (page B10) :puff:
  5. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 03/02-03/2013

    Sometimes, you just live right. Or get lucky. Helps make up for the times when you called it wrong! Went down Friday to work on the boat. Had been having a fuel issue with one of the motors and the problem seemed to be a dead fuel pump. Yamaha is VERY proud of their fuel pumps; to the tune of...
  6. Stuart

    How NOT to Back Down on a Marlin

    ooopsie!!! Boat Sinks While Fighting a Marlin
  7. Stuart

    The Deep Reefs are Hot Right Now

    Just got back from 4 days down in Rocky Point, fished two. Weather was overcast and cool, but the water was flat. Water temps varied between 68 and 72. On Friday, we fished the 51. Picked up two nice halibut immediately on squid. Several goldspots, but not one snapper to be caught anywhere. The...
  8. Stuart

    Access to Rants and Raves

    Okay folks. Here's the deal. Rants and Raves access is now locked. You can only see this forum if you are a registered user. Unregistered visitors do not see this forum at all. If you are a registered user, you MUST enter a password to access this forum, at least on your first visit or anytime...
  9. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 09/21-22/2012

    Don't bother. Water just still seems too warm. 88-89 degrees. Caballo? Dead. Island? Dead. Witches Hat? One nice corvina, one gold spot. 43? Dead. Nose 1? Dead. Other boats I spoke with were about the same at the 22, 18, etc. A couple corvina, couple of croakers, but mostly just a lot of sweat...
  10. Stuart

    Labor Day Fishing - Funny video!

    (off an oil rig in Texas, not Penasco) Still pretty damned funny! Shows the confusion of too many things going on at once!! I'm sure there were a few beers involved as well! :puff:
  11. Stuart

    Mark (Seadweller) has some serious work to do...

    ...with Boo. Hahahahah! :puff::puff::puff:;feature=youtube_gdata_pl aJ
  12. Stuart

    August Closings - - -

    Use this thread to list any of the businesses you know will be closed during August. I've come down nearly every year in August and it can be pure miserable, hot, humid yuck. Many places simply close and the employees take vacation during that time. La Curva - El Jeffe told me Sat. night that...
  13. Stuart

    Dorado are out there, go get 'em!

    We headed out early Friday in pretty stiff breeze, but still fishable. Put some great live bait in the tank - macks, rock bass, two nice size corvina, and two hard-headed jacks or pompano of some sort (still not sure what they were, but looked like candy for grouper)... not one bonefish to be...
  14. Stuart

    Fishing This Past Weekend - 6/8/9/10

    There wasn't any. It just blew and blew and blew with whitecaps as far as the eye could see. Saturday, we measured windspeed on the 5th floor of Puerta Privada with a Kestrel - low gust of 14, high of 21 steady average of 17.5 mph. At the Roger Clyne show Sat. night, the cat El Gato Loco was...
  15. Stuart

    Great Weekend, Horrific Ending

    Connie and I headed down Friday, got the boat out of storage, gassed up and ready to go out Sat. morning. The weather was beautiful, nice breeze, never even turned on the AC all weekend. Made a bunch of bait Sat. morning and headed to the 51. Connie landed a nice white seabass on her first drop...
  16. Stuart

    Grouper Tournament This Year?

    Any word on the dates? In the past, it always seemed to be over Mothers' Day weekend and I'd miss it. I'd *really* like to participate this year!
  17. Stuart


    In an effort to combat the growing plague of spambots (they just keep getting smarter), I have restricted new forum members to verified email address. That means, that new users can only register from a link sent to their email address. It's short of manual registration, which I have done in...
  18. Stuart

    Oh Yeah? Well You're A . . .

    Couldn't think of a better place to post this, given the way we go at each other sometimes. No political message at all; but a strong message just the same. The long haired red-head is my niece, Ally. And she's the one singing. Maybe I can talk her into doing a gig with Roger Clyne...
  19. Stuart

    Even More Ridiculous...

    Crossed going into Mexico Friday night about 9:00. Saw Inka coming north. Only a couple of cars. BUT... they made me pull the boat through x-ray. Had to loop around and get back to the x-ray machine. Just a hassle, no biggie. 1st time I've ever had to get x-rayed BY THE U.S. going into...
  20. Stuart

    Somebody Caught a REALLY Big Fish this Weekend!

    I'll let Larry and Wendell tell ya all about it.