Search results

  1. Stuart

    Back from San Carlos

    Fished the Labor Day Billfish tourney in San Carlos. We tied for fourth, but could have been tied for second if we hadn't had 4 fish come unbuckled on the last day... aye, aye, aye... it was a GREAT time! Will try to post details and some pix of the fishies tomorrow. I love San Carlos, but wish...
  2. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Heard on the news about FIVE TONS of pot being busted in Penasco yesterday. Can't seem to find a link to the story anywhere yet. (No, this isn't the small time thugs they busted in the hotel this week.) Somewhere, there's a drug lord that is really, really PO'd right now! :puff: This was on...
  3. Stuart

    Playing Nice with Others!

    Failure to do so will get you sent to Banned Camp. It's just that simple. When I make a point of warning you that I'm not feeling the love in a thread, it means just that -- knock off the pissing contest with each other!! I'm am NOT banning anyone for having an opinion -- you are free to...
  4. Stuart

    What Happened to Those Stolen F-250s?

    Some of 'em got turned into Narco Tanks. This could of been my truck!!! :o
  5. Stuart

    Bahiatrader's Birthday

    Just noticed in the bottom corner of the screen that today is Bob's birthday and wanted to take a moment to say, even though he's no longer with us, Happy Birthday Bob!! You old codger, you. I'm sure you're wetting a line somewhere wonderful. (And yes, I often called Bob a codger to his...
  6. Stuart

    Big Bruiser Yellowtail

    Fishing Puerto Lobos this weekend - there's some big brutes cruising around. Fish were boiling in early morning and late afternoon around large bait schools south along the cliffs. Trick is to throw surface iron at them, fast retrieve. They'll charge the iron, but don't always take it. The fish...
  7. Stuart

    Guess She's Too Busy For Us!

    Plodding my way through traffic this morning up the 51, I hear none other than Ms. Rosie Glover on the news station KFYI prognosticating on what a good Spring Break Penasco will have this year. No mention of the recent shooting (of course), but basically that the weather is looking fantastic and...
  8. Stuart

    Thoughts on Becoming a Yamaha Technician (or not)

    I'm blessed in many regards. I understand and am fluent in things computer. I understand and am fluent in things electronic. I understand and am fluent in things mechanical. I understand and am successful in catching things that live in the sea. Rarely does a problem come up that I won't...
  9. Stuart

    Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

    ... to go back in the water <cue Jaws music> This just in from mi amigo Tadeo that runs the Bibi Fleet in Mazatlan: We caught a 521 lb – 10’ 8’’ Shortfin Mako Shark yesterday! It took us three hours with a 9/0 Sennator and 80lb test. For us and the people locally has been a huge...
  10. Stuart

    Staying Healthy Forum

    At Happy's suggestion, I've created this forum specifically for discussion of where to find a good doctor, dentist, and other health issues, etc. in either AZ or Penasco. :smile:
  11. Stuart

    Please don't feed the spambots!

    I've been noticing a slew of spambots posting here in Off-Topic. Everything from viagra to Russian porn. Most of these threads are immediately moderated, but some slip through until I catch and delete them and ban the spambots posting this nonsense. I ask that if you see something fishy here...
  12. Stuart

    World's Largest Snake

    This is unbelievable! They are estimating this dead snake to be almost 50' in length. There is to be a official certification submitted. In the meantime, take a good look at the video preview. If you look close about half way down the length of the body, it looks like something bit it in the...
  13. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 12/10-12/11/2010

    Finally got a chance to get down and go fishing! A couple of fishing buddies (Gary and Wally) from San Carlos asked me to guide on their boat. They had never fished Rocky Point and wanted to learn the ropes on where to go and what to do. Friday morning while I was waiting for them at Safe...
  14. Stuart

    Crossing Observations - 12/12/2010

    Well, got to see it for myself - the two new lanes under construction. Good thing they are doing it now while traffic seems to be very slow. I talked to one of the Customs agents on the way down and asked when they would be completed. He said he wasn't sure, but he urged me to write to my...
  15. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 09/03/2010

    Well, as predicted, Connie again outfished me. No surprises there. We got a late start on Friday - had to shovel the sand out of the boat from it sitting most of the summer. Couple maintenance items to take care of, then get gas, get ice, etc. We finally got launched about 11:00 and found a...
  16. Stuart

    Labor Day Fishing (or Bust)

    The wife has informed me that we are fishing on Labor Day weekend. Who am I say to no? I'm assuming she has informed the Weather Gods of this, as well. They don't dare mess with my wife. So, once again, I'm planning on taking great pictures of her and her catch while I get skunked or break off...
  17. Stuart

    Agua Chile?

    Anybody know of a restaurant in Penasco that has this on the menu and does it right? I had it made by a very good Mexican cook in Lobos this past weekend in the traditional mole bowl. Wow, I was truly impressed and wondered how I've missed out on it all these years. Just not something I recall...
  18. Stuart

    How Is It That...?

    ...a pick-up truck with a whole Mexican family in the open bed of the truck can go whizzing down the road no problem, but my son stops at the checkpoint in Sonoita and has to pay a $40 fine on the spot because one person in the backseat of the truck doesn't have a seat belt on? The Sonoita...
  19. Stuart

    Stops by The Mexican Navy This Weekend?

    Can any of you confirm this - I was just told by someone out fishing this weekend that the Mexican Navy was checking all boats leaving the harbor for proper paperwork. I also heard that a boat that was fishing by the island was impounded for violating some sort of "Reserve" status at the island...
  20. Stuart

    Bad Accident Between Ajo and Why - 07/02/2010 - 1:00pm

    Just got a call from buddy heading down. Said he's currently sitting right next to the mine south of Ajo. Apparently there's been a very bad accident between Ajo and Why and they have shut the road down and do not expect it to be open again for at least a few hours. Just a warning to anyone...