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  1. J

    Border wait Labor day

    Or Wednesday, to make sure that you are no longer contagious.
  2. J

    Border wait Labor day

    Returning to the U.S. On Monday should be an experience.
  3. J

    Border wait Labor day

    Was the backup caused by the U.S. or the Mexican side?
  4. J

    Little houses in Cholla Bay

    Anything to upgrade and improve the area is a positive thing. How much are they asking?
  5. J

    Tucson chamber visits Peñasco

    I think the important consideration is whether or not the movers and shakers can remedy the existing problems and deliver on their latest upbeat projections. Restoring lost credibility would be a good first step.
  6. J

    Tucson chamber visits Peñasco

    What are you taking away from this article, Russ?
  7. J

    New home builders

    Very hard to beat those prices, for sure. Did you bring most of your share of the finish items from the U.S?
  8. J

    sonoyta safety warning...

    Another perspective on the drug war is that it has been a total waste of lives, money and resources, having produced political instability and general chaos in Mexico, and has actually gotten worse after all this time.
  9. J

    Charging to cross into Mexico

    Still have pics?:rolleyes:
  10. J

    sonoyta safety warning...

    It would be interesting to see how the turf brokers in the U.S. and law enforcement dynasties would react to it being legalized. Some day perhaps.
  11. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

  12. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

    Yes, it was mentioned as a proposal but then suspended until now.
  13. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

    You forgot the Alamo.
  14. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

    Do you have a link?
  15. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

    My wife and I were stopped at an impromptu federale checkpoint marked only by a traffic cone, just outside of Penasco, on the Caborca Rd last month. His questions ran the gamut from guns, money, origination city, days in Mexico and also all the usual customs and immigration inquiries, although...
  16. J

    What's with the southbound interrogation?

    You would have been smart to have answered NO to all of the above. Historically, the level of border harassment increases when the Mexican Nation feels that it has been insulted by someone of relatively high status in the U.S.
  17. J

    sonoyta safety warning...

    If there is anyone still left out there who thinks that this is only Mexico's problem, perhaps they should think again.
  18. J

    Bang Bang on BJ.

    Where are you going to find a self respecting sicario in the first place?o_O
  19. J

    Bang Bang on BJ.

    No problem.
  20. J

    Homeport moving along!

    By the looks of things, it will be a long time coming unless they want to fund and run the port construction job themselves.