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  1. P

    "you are very right Rose...I'm no genius...actually just a dumb high school dropout who's main break in life came by virtue of being lucky enough to be born and raised in America. (there goes that music again!)" I appreciate the changed tone of this post and will respond in kind. Of all my...
  2. P

    Castaway, You are obviously hard of hearing, so I will make it easier for you: 1. Your little graphics don't affect me in the least, but your snideness is tedious. (yawn) 2. I never said the typical American is bigoted. In fact, no one on this thread has said so. You are a baiter. The problem...
  3. P

    "childbirth is a bit more then an emergency room visit. are you the typical reporter who likes to leave out important facts in order to make their case? A case usually based on ideology rather then fact? Hope not but it sure looks like it." Really? Does it look that way here, on a forum where...
  4. P

    I find it incredible that we pay gazillions of dollars in bailout money to fat-cat executives who then go off to fancy resorts or retire with a huge chunk of the bailout funds, yet we complain about paying the bill for someone's emergency room visit.
  5. P

    InkaRoads, your words (and those of every American who came to be so by choice) get to me like no background music or flag waving ever could. Thank you for making the sacrifice of leaving your homeland, and the brave decision to change your citizenship. In so doing, you helped to make the U.S...
  6. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Kenny, you impress the crap outta me.
  7. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Well whatdýa know? I am going to have to work that into the article! Cool. Anything else I should know? And now you'll try to tell me about the sheep, again, huh?
  8. P

    No, perhaps I didn't explain myself. I am dead tired and that happens with me. The oath means everything. I did not TAKE an oath. I am Mexican because I was born to Mexican parents. I am American because I was born in Los Angeles, CA. Ergo, dual citizenship. You raise an interesting point. Many...
  9. P

    hunting in Sonora guys are just messing with the new kid.
  10. P

    The U.S. also requires that one swear an oath and renounce the original citizenship in order to become naturalized. I didn't have to go through that. I would not have done it.
  11. P

    The lack of waving flags on my post doesn't make you a better American than I. And waving three flags doesn't make you better than waving one. This thread did not begin as you say. It began because some idiot decided to mock my newspaper by denigrating Mexico and it's legal system. I took him...
  12. P

    "In our house we literally count our blessings everyday for being born American. It gets a little old this blame America for everything" I don't think the negative traits of Americans get more attention, nor do I think everyone blames "America for everything". You are making an assumption and...
  13. P

    Every time I start thinking I might be a smart person, I make an idiot move. My sis calls me an idiot savant! Thanks for the heads up on this!
  14. P

    Best place to get Mexican car insurance

    I understand completely. I started my business almost 2 years ago after a 30-yr real estate career. The preparation and education took two years, so it was 4 yrs ago that I began the transition. The girls who work for me are bilingual and probably better at actually writing the policies than I...
  15. P

    I am happy to share the details. I was born in Los Angeles, California. My mother was born in Pitiquito, Sonora, where I was partially raised. I am an American by birth and a Mexican by right of lineage...born of a Mexican-born parents. I carry a U.S. passport and a Mexican credencial de...
  16. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Definitely sounds like someone needs to arrange the SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Geez...I can't believe I just did that.
  17. P

    Best place to get Mexican car insurance

    No Mexican insurance agent can sell you a policy (just liability or otherwise) for the States if the vehicle is registered in the U.S. We can sell tourist policies for Mexican vehicles traveling to the States, but are restricted because we aren't U.S. licensed for insurance. Lots of people who...
  18. P

    Best place to get Mexican car insurance

    Ah, just when you all thought you had settled the insurance issue, along comes a real Mexican insurance agent to answer all questions. I read each post carefully (I am a bit obsessive about such things) and realized how many misconceptions there are about Mexican insurance. So, humor me and...
  19. P

    Hold on there, Pilgrim. I was very specific in my post, and you have made a huge leap. I was referring specifically to Americans bashing Mexico while in Mexico. I would (and have) said the same thing to Mexicans who bash the States while there. I find it hypocritical. As for the tit-for-tat game...
  20. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Hey! Are you trying to collide my worlds? Can't you see I'm wearing my Paparazzi cap? We can go back to talking about my ass after I've met my deadline. Poor Lulu doesn't even realize she is becoming fodder!