
"Mexico Launches Big Law Enforcement Overhaul"

So it's a comedy website then?


dry heat said:
Submarine said:
"Mexico Launches Big Law Enforcement Overhaul"

So it's a comedy website then?
No, they just have the work ethic of a union member.
Well that explains why it seems to have been published ontime and is of higher quality than any of the so-called Rocky Point news sites I've ever seen.
Remember the old RPtimes website? That was definitely a scab site.


That have a story coming up ( A report of where Tequila comes from and how it is made). Also (A history of the fishing industry from its very inception here in Penasco.) that should be popular as well.
And remember this invitation "As time goes by, we are hoping that others will come forth and help us by contributing and sharing.kind of like you all do on the forum".
Alright, haha...there is a comedian in the group. I can appreciate that as much as anyone else. The reality is that this newspaper is like any other newspaper you have ever seen...even in the States; bringing you the stories that are press-released by goverments and/or other interests, and sometimes editorializing, while encouraging discussion whether we agree with it or not.

As an aside I will tell you that as a woman whose 23 yr old son just got back from his second tour in Iraq, I am cautious about what I criticize about the U.S. and in front of whom. I have a voice and know how to use it, but I also understand respect...above all else for my son.

But as a citizen of Mexico as well, it offends me when people are snide about the law/crime thing. Let's take a look at the young man who was handcuffed and then shot by the police in L.A. first.
Anyone who thinks one country is better than the other and still comes down anyway must be either trying to exploit something or hiding from something, is what many think.

Visit my newspaper if you want to, don't if you don't. And if you want to visit and criticize...hell, do that too. Then bitch about not having news available in a timely manner in English. Whatever suits you.

People who live here or visit will benefit from information. More information is better than less. Current information is better than old.

Thank you, Kenny...I love this kinda stuff!



"Thank you, Kenny...I love this kinda stuff!"

Then I'm glad I contacted you Rosie. We have a well rounded bunch here and although many of us have met or communicated with each other, in some cases for years, we still agree to disagree. For the most part, but not always, it stays civil, and yes, we have some very good comedians on here as well.
I think what a lot of us miss is the traffic we had on the old site. There are many people on this small forum who love to help and share information and have years of experience in PP, but now they have no real outlet like before.

Sounds like you have a lot of spirit Rosie, you'll do just fine. :sunny:
Thank you for your paper. I have enjoyed it. Yes There are those who have to act like jerks in all countries I am always disguested with the Americans who act like a holes while viisting Rocky Point. They are rude and ignorant give the wrong impression to others about Americans. Mexico is a beautiful country that I love and respect the land and people. Coming from Chicago corruption is very common. Let's be fair to Mexico and look at our own house first.


When thinking about one country being better than another, keep in mind that Mexico has no need to construct a wall to slow the stream of illegal immigrants heading south. The millions of legal and illegal immigrants leaving their countries to live in the U.S. is testimony as to what is the better country. How many police officials have been executed in the U.S. during the last year? How can terrorized law enforcement organizations provide for public safety? And the common people are denied the right to bare arms to defend themselves while the police are preoccupied trying to keep each other alive (in Mexico).
cactusamigo said:
When thinking about one country being better than another, keep in mind that Mexico has no need to construct a wall to slow the stream of illegal immigrants heading south. The millions of legal and illegal immigrants leaving their countries to live in the U.S. is testimony as to what is the better country. How many police officials have been executed in the U.S. during the last year? How can terrorized law enforcement organizations provide for public safety? And the common people are denied the right to bare arms to defend themselves while the police are preoccupied trying to keep each other alive (in Mexico).
Hold on there, Pilgrim. I was very specific in my post, and you have made a huge leap. I was referring specifically to Americans bashing Mexico while in Mexico. I would (and have) said the same thing to Mexicans who bash the States while there. I find it hypocritical. As for the tit-for-tat game you want to play about the violence, find yourself another playmate. I made no bones about the fact that I am proud of both my countries. I am not conflicted about that. But when some idiot wants to snidely say "law and Mexico is an oxymoron", I reserve the right to point out that in fact, there are police abuses every day in the U.S.

While we are on the subject (mostly because you rattled my chain, but what the hell), I will say that when violence happens, I worry...regardless which country it happens in. But I won't let some bruised-ego conservative pull me into a discussion that is far afield of what was being discussed just because he wants to use me as a way to have his favorite rant heard.


Welcome to the forum Rosy, I agree with you 100%, as a person, not american, not peruvian, not mexican, etc. I am disgusted of the show that you see MANY americans display in foreign countries, the arrogances with which they show the world how rediculous and stupid they sound and act, specially the pretenders, which after living in a few countries I have seen, and for those idiots out there remember I said "MANY", yes that includes YOU, however not all americans, luckly the mayority are decent and respectful to themselves and others!!
God shave the Queen!!!!! :eek3:


Cactus is always in the sidelines waiting to spew forth his indignation about illegal aliens- Someday his Mexican wife will probably wake up. My Mexican family are almost all citizens now but I will always have a place in my heart for those who come here to WORK. Many are now returning home now due to the recession.


Ok, Rosy, we are basically in agreement. My focus was narrow on your post that I replied to. If you have any knowledge of my posts over the last few years, you will know that my emphasis has always been on respect for the country that you are a guest. I have been consistent in voicing my opposition to reckless and irresponsible behavior of Americans while visiting Mexico, especially those who brag about their law-breaking behavior, and adults who encourage disrespectful behavior of our youth during Spring Break.

At the same time, I believe that our laws are to be respected and obeyed by foreignors, which includes obeying our immigration laws. One can always make a social excuse for breaking the law. Doing so is a slap in the face to the many who go through the time, effort, and expense to do it right and legally.

You mentioned being a citizen of both countries. It would be interesting to know the details of your dual citizenship, if you care to share them with the readers of this board.
I am happy to share the details. I was born in Los Angeles, California. My mother was born in Pitiquito, Sonora, where I was partially raised. I am an American by birth and a Mexican by right of lineage...born of a Mexican-born parents. I carry a U.S. passport and a Mexican credencial de elector. I have full rights, including the right to vote, in both countries.

I can agree that if the majority of Americans do not want illegal immigration to happen, then they should find an effective way to keep the people out. However I also think that if people get in, they should be treated humanely and with respect unless they are arrested for a crime.

By humane treatment I am referring to education, healthcare, and basic respect when they are standing next to you in the supermarket. It is not they, but whoever is supposed to be keeping them out, who have failed.

I further think that the whole English only movement is ridiculous.


Good morning Rosy, just wanted to let you know that the link in your signature to your insurance company is no good, I believe is 'cause you added the "insurance" word to it. :eek3:
Every time I start thinking I might be a smart person, I make an idiot move. My sis calls me an idiot savant! Thanks for the heads up on this!