Search results

  1. P

    Insurance ?

    Hola Playa, You certainly can. You can use our automatic quoter on my website at or you can call my office and let one of the girls walk you through it. When are you coming down? Either way we'll make sure you get your policy in time for your trip in the convenience of...
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    I thought I was the only one! I am always a wreck when I have to go.
  3. P

    I enjoy doing it and am glad you like it, Inka. But every Monday I go nuts for a couple of days while I meet the deadline. Last week I learned all I ever wanted to know about tequila. With Mexican elections coming up, I will be writing a lot about the campaigns for RP mayor and Sonora governor...
  4. P

    I thought your prior unfunniness was pitiful...but these attempts at backhanded humor are enough to make people cringe. Please stop it. No, I don't watch The View. I have 2 full-time businesses and might I add that lately you have kept me kinda busy? In addition, I do have to go out to events so...
  5. P

    Asadero El Real

    Take Luis Encinas (the road off Calle 13 that has the hanging street light) all the way toward NoReeleccion. Look for 22nd St., which is a few blocks before you get to No Reeleccion. On the left you will see a small place (restaurant, not a taco stand). It is decorated outside with white...
  6. P

    Latitude 31

    Latitude 31 opens early and serves a good breakfast. I like the shrimp omelet. And later on, their pork chops are good, as are their Mexican dishes. Mike, the owner is a throwback to the old-style owner who says hello to everyone and entertains in the bar with stories of Rocky Point 20+ years...
  7. P

    Habana Viejo

    A few months ago our women's group (Uncommon Women on Common Ground) had dinner there. They handled all 20+ of us and put on a floor show with traditional Cuban dance. It was unique and interesting. Everyone loved the food.
  8. P

    Mexican auto or homeowner's insurance with ProAlliance Ins.

    ProAlliance Insurance can insure your automobile, condo, or home. Comparable rates and the absolute best service available! You can visit our website to use our automatic system or call our U.S. phone number, 602-773-1031. We can: - Answer all your questions and help you with claims. - Insure...
  9. P

    1 bedroom house in town. $200/month. minimum 6 months

    Hi Jim, Am copying this to my staff. They always know someone looking for a place to rent. Hope it helps. Rosie
  10. P

    Forum to advertise?

    I am always looking to promote my businesses, so yes...I love the idea!
  11. P

    "calm down Rose...the bed comment is a joke and these are just words and opinions. By your responses you seem have my views all rapped up with somebody else or some stereotype that you've attached me to. As you well know, we are all complex and it's impossible to see through to someone very...
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    hunting in Sonora

    I am definitely looking forward to it!
  13. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Y'all have succeeded in leaving me speechless...not an easy task.
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    hunting in Sonora

    If I knew which one was Kenny, I would at least know which one to flirt with! C'mon, Jerry...give me a clue!
  15. P

    "the error here is not that Bush has been a politician like so many, but that Obama isn't one...many of you know damn well this election was all about race and you are not willing to admit it" This coming from the guy who hasn't called it accurately yet. Why was it about race? Because you deem...
  16. P

    I never sneer at patriotism. I sneer at self-righteousness. You are not equal to patriotism, even though you seem to think you are. Who are you to determine that the protester is less patriotic than the flag-waver? Are you insinuating that only those who believe as you do can therefore be...
  17. P

    Thank you, Ric! We will add a riciprocal link to your site as well. I love your pics.
  18. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Good thing the belt was the right size!
  19. P

    As patriotic as you are, Castaway, it would seem that our new President can also count on your support, even when you don't agree with him.
  20. P

    hunting in Sonora

    Most of all it's your fashion sense.