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  1. P

    More about dog food and groceries at the border

    Be warned that if you're bringing contraband such as beef or dog food, you're running the risk of being fined at the border. According to someone who had this happen to them on Friday, the fine was $75 usd per person in the car. There were three people, so the total was $225. I've talked to...
  2. P

    Thunder update

    Maybe I'm missing something, AZChick. Was there a question about the insurance policy for the race? Bob and Darren purchased the policy from me and it was underwritten by Grupo Mexicano de Seguros S.A. de C.V., known more commonly as GMX. The civil liability amount on the policy was for a...
  3. P


    Well, although I run the risk of being thought either too soft or too tough, the reality is that some policies (like homeowner's) can be cancelled if the client doesn't pay for them. Other policies (some auto) cannot be cancelled and we're stuck if they don't pay them. If the client is someone I...
  4. P


    Our Driver's License policies are running in the neighborhood of $120 per year with big discounts for additional drivers (for example: 2 drivers will run just over $141). It's the best I can do. If price is your determining factor, then you're on the right track with the California people. I...
  5. P

    Happy Birthday Rob!

    Hey Rob, here's wishing you the very best of birthdays~
  6. P

    Happy Birthday Barb (Mrs. Seadweller)

    Happy Birthday, Barb! Missed seeing you last night at Latitude.
  7. P

    Photo of New Road Work on Malecon Entrance

    The translation is: "Paving project takes off in the Port!! How 'bout the modernization and elegance?!" I tend to agree with you about the inconvenience. Even if you were willing to walk all the way to the BooBar (and back), where would you park your car?
  8. P


    Aw, you're just po'd because I called you a pansy in my last email response to your buddy. Yolanda is a nice lady. She can't provide the service we do, but she's nice and professional. Good choice. As for your snide comments about me...stick it.
  9. P

    Mark Mulligan playing Thursday, Oct 6th at Latitude 31!

    And a heluva nice guy.
  10. P


    I don't think you helped me, but I also don't think you hurt me...even with all your links to other agents. I didn't say you insulted me or my business. What I did say is that you do people a disservice if you give them the impression that their coverage from their U.S. carriers is enough. Every...
  11. P

    35,000 geoduck clams destroyed

    Don't look for the mall project to get moving anytime soon. Call it a permanent hiatus.
  12. P

    There is no Shrimp Festival in October. Hope you'll come down anyway.

    If you get in by about 6pm, you'll be in time to catch the Mark Mulligan preview show at Latitude 31 from 6pm-9pm!
  13. P

    Mark Mulligan playing Thursday, Oct 6th at Latitude 31!

    Alright, you might not have a Shrimp Festival to go to, but if you're in town come on by Latitude 31 for the Mark Mulligan preview show! 6pm-9pm...Hope to see you there.
  14. P


    Thanks for letting me know. I wasn't aware that the automatic quoter wasn't set up to do the Driver's License policies. Email me at [email protected] and I'll send you price information. Unfortunately, the prices just increased, but it's still a good deal for anyone who doesn't know what...
  15. P

    There is no Shrimp Festival in October. Hope you'll come down anyway.

    Hey folks, I said on the radio a few weeks ago that I wasn't convinced there'd be a Shrimp Fest in October. Turns out I was right. I know there are tons of emails and publications out there saying October 8th. Even Russ announced it on the Ramblings. Nevertheless, there will be no Shrimp...
  16. P

    Happy Birthday, Rosie!

    Eddy! What a nice thing to say. It was good to meet you and Melody. I'll let Mike know the Tecates were on the deferred payment plan. See you guys on the 21st!
  17. P

    Happy Birthday, Rosie!

    Thanks, Kea! We had a great time. Will post pics as soon as I get 'em. Thank you for the tip. Counting backwards as we speak...
  18. P


    Shoot, Joe. I oughta put you on the payroll. Since I can't, I'll buy you a beer, ok? You're absolutely right. Other points to consider: - Always know what your deductible is so you don't get mad at me (or whoever) later. Deductibles on tourist policies are traditionally high ($1,000 -...
  19. P


    Good thing she was there, for sure. The adjusters here are free-lance, so we all use the same ones. The magistrates (called judges) know me and know that we'll go by the book...if possible, of course. I say that because I've had clients who were very, very much at fault and all we wanted was to...