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  1. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    They pay somebody to work out for them! :puff:
  2. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Your mixing your metaphors, Russ. It's "Nature abhors a vacuum." Science just makes me all tingly right down to my DNA!
  3. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Heard that this morning on the radio... something about she wanted time off or more pay or something, so he started throwing money at her and grabbed her chest. I can only imagine puta being screamed at her at the same time!
  4. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    I didn't blame the Mexicans for a damned thing. I blamed the cartels. If, in fact, the cartels happen to be Mexican, then who exactly is one supposed to blame? Personally, I don't blame the Mexicans for anything, other than that terrible excuse for a burrito one served me at Filibertos last...
  5. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    It doesn't? The day an armed Marine comes to my door to ask me questions, there damn well better be a war going on or major natural disaster! Given the way this country is being run right into the ground, that might be sooner that I like to think. But if you're okay with the military being the...
  6. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    And what vindication does THAT buy you?? That white people are as susceptible to easy money as Mexican people? Sheesh! Does it even really matter if they're freakin' green? Why no, no it doesn't. The cartels would pay purple people if they thought they could get the cash over the border undetected.
  7. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Of course, Russ. What questions does it raise? A) When will the bullets fly over this? The fact that YOU HAVE ARMED MARINES cruisin' your 'hood speaks volumes by itself! I know, nothing to see here, move along. B) Oh yes, it's all us pot-smokin junkie US citizens dying for our fix. Blame it...
  8. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    From the article - "The military elements of the 45th military zone 21 Motorized Cavalry Regiment secured in the building 2180 kilos of the evil weed, 3 AK-47 cal. 7.62 × 39 mm, 1 R-15 rifle cal. .223 ", 1 7.62 mm caliber pistol, 4, 016 cartridges of different calibers, 25 magazines of different...
  9. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Wanna place any bets that they were A) paid pigeons (white tourist gringos), or B) Mexican Americans working for the cartel? Article doesn't say one way or another at this point, but as always, there's more to the story!
  10. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Kind of the purpose of my original post... stuff like this happens and the hit men get sent in to clean the matter up and deliver cartel "justice." Heads roll. Literally. Not only did they lose the load, but lost the cash, too! Phew, 3.7 mil is an elephant-ton of cash! Cheerleaders? Where...
  11. Stuart

    Never driven to Mexico...

    The speeds (unlike Sonoita) ARE VERY CLEARLY POSTED. 35 mph throughout Gila Bend; gradual decline from 65 to 25 (10 mph increments) coming into Ajo either way. You get a speeding ticket in either of those two towns, it's your own dumb fault for being in too big of a hurry and not paying...
  12. Stuart

    How safe is Penasco?

    Indeed! HELP!!! The beer goggles... they do nothing!!! AHHHHH!!!
  13. Stuart

    Somebody's Gonna Be Pissed!

    Heard on the news about FIVE TONS of pot being busted in Penasco yesterday. Can't seem to find a link to the story anywhere yet. (No, this isn't the small time thugs they busted in the hotel this week.) Somewhere, there's a drug lord that is really, really PO'd right now! :puff: This was on...
  14. Stuart

    How safe is Penasco?

    Rehab is for quitters!! I want my car back... and my hookers and blow!!! You guys had no right to lock me up!!! :puff: (Seriously though, sounds like a good thing. Hope said person gets well. Addiction is a tough thing to deal with as a family; I know because we went through it with a...
  15. Stuart

    new vx pickup truck

    Cool little truck. The article is correct, though -- there is no such thing as a small diesel truck in the US market (unfortunately). You want diesel, you gotta go with one of the big three's 3/4 ton or bigger trucks. Small very fuel efficient diesel cars and truck are popular all over Europe...
  16. Stuart

    Weekend Weather

    Chile today and hot tamale! The standard Mexican weather report. MIS - I've been in RP during some rainstorms. A local was struck and killed by lightning during one of them a couple years back. Scary. Also, if it's a heavy rain, everything floods. They don't have the drainage built into the...
  17. Stuart

    Great Video Rosy

    Okay... this thread officially trainwrecked. Geez.
  18. Stuart

    new vx pickup truck

    The only part I can answer is that you won't be able to bring it (import it) to the US. You may be able to drive it in for a period of time if it is registered in Mexico, but you'll never get it registered in the US. Two reasons - safety standards for US vehicles and emissions standards. Sure...
  19. Stuart

    Never driven to Mexico...

    Your Mexican insurance cost is based on the value of the vehicle you declare, pretty much regardless who/where you get it. When my F-250 was brand-spanking new, a weekend policy was easily that much. Now that it's older (and the value much less), I just buy a yearly policy. The break even point...
  20. Stuart

    Sea Turtle Question

    Yeah, he has been on good behavior of late. He's still a :jerry:though! :jerry2: :jerry2: