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  1. Stuart

    Roberto Exits Penasco Quietly.

    Life is adventure. I hope Roberto has a safe and pleasant journey in this new chapter of his adventure. I do know it's something he's wanted to pursue for a long time now and I'm happy he has been been able to make it come true.
  2. Stuart

    Fishing Report for March 16 to 20

    Well then, take your (em)pathetic liberal happy ass to Puerto Lobos (or any fish camp) all along the Sea of Cortez and get all up in the face of the gill-netting pangas as they come in and gut hundreds of small sharks, leaving the live babies cut from the womb to die on the beach. Your anger at...
  3. Stuart

    Fishing Report for March 16 to 20

    To those that bitch, mako is the best of the best eating shark, and that's a perfect size. You can fish the Sea of Cortez for years and not catch one, or catch one, and never get it to the boat. Perfectly legal catch. Makos are NOT on the endangered species list. In all my years of fishing...
  4. Stuart

    Easy money no more

    It's a game that's been going on for years, Jerry. For every one they catch, how many do you think make it through? Losing a load is the cost of doing business for the cartels. Losing a mule? No loss to them, there's plenty of folks willing to step up and take her place.
  5. Stuart

    Anyone going out deep sea fishing this weekend?

    TRACTOR??? YES!!!!!!! After them nearly wrecking me last launch, that's damn good news!!
  6. Stuart

    Anyone going out deep sea fishing this weekend?

    Did you get your fuel leak fixed? Boat running good again?
  7. Stuart

    The 6th annual Arizona Game and Fish Expo

    There is no statute of limitations on bustin' somebody's chops! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :puff:
  8. Stuart

    Dead Whale

    Get some dynamite and blow it up. That always works SO well! Is stinky breath still doing laps outside the harbor??????
  9. Stuart

    Banana Boat Injury(s)

    They do it because most of them have probably never been on a jetski before and have no idea what they are doing or how to safely operate one. And with no enforcement of any sort, who's to tell them different? Pull the same kind of nonsense at a local lake here in the Phoenix area (speeding...
  10. Stuart


    I'm going to give Mr. Jacobs the benefit of the doubt on Boomerfest for the time being. I would suggest the rest of you do, as well. Time will tell, as always, if this event will come to be (regardless of it not passing the "sniff" test) for many of the regulars here. Thank-you! :puff:
  11. Stuart

    How much shrimp...........

    Yep, 55 lbs. of fish/seafood is the magic number per vehicle, NOT per person. However, it's not like they break out a scale and weigh it on the spot. I've come back with lots of sport-caught fish fillets for the freezer in a big cooler. Was is 40 lbs.? Was it 60 lbs.? I dunno... I think there's...
  12. Stuart

    And now, the rest of the story....

    Eat it, eat it... open up your mouth and feed it.... just eat it, eat it.... <apologies to Michael Jackson and Weird Al Yankovich> <cite>
  13. Stuart

    Only Sonora Program in jeopardy?

    One.... big.... pain.... in.... the.... ass.... (if they do this). Do they not think these things through? If anything, they should be making it easier (Only Sonora is a great, easy program). Having had to get car permits in the past for trips down Baja and Mazatlan, I can say that this will...
  14. Stuart

    Congrats to Rosie and the 11 other women

    Rosy's my hero. Uh, wait. Rosy's my heroin. NO, I mean heroine! Awwww damn, I don't know what I mean! Rosy is a GREAT gal!!! Congrats, Rosy!! :puff:
  15. Stuart

    Spring Break 13 Turnout

    A lot of truth to what Terry says above. Ain't cheap these days, even splitting costs with a group. I miss the days of being able to run down on a Friday with a couple hundred bucks in my pocket and having money left when I got home late Sunday night. But, that's everywhere, not just Rocky...
  16. Stuart


    I'm in Tempe, but yes, the boomers woke me up about 4:30-5:00 this morning.
  17. Stuart


    POURING, WINDY and BOOMING here in PHX this morning!
  18. Stuart

    Fishing Report - 03/02-03/2013

    Pix. Sorry for the delay. You can see how absolutely flat the water was at the 51! In-freakin'-credible!
  19. Stuart

    Pinacate Picante Salsa now available

    I bumped your post count. You should be able to send PMs and post pix now. (We use that as a spam prevention filter).
  20. Stuart

    First Time "Spring Break" Fish Coming In!

    Coming to the beach near you.