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  1. Stuart

    Reggies update

    Hobie Vern NOT = Hector It's one thing to BS amongst ourselves. We're used to it; we expect it from one another. But do me a favor and try to give the newbies an even break until they learn the ropes around here. Thanks.
  2. Stuart

    6th Annual Grouper Tournament

    Moore seems to be missing in action 'round these parts lately. That's the perfect opportunity for Team Constancia to creep in and steal all the top awards this year!! Bwahahahahahaha!!! :puff::puff::puff::puff: Let the trash talkin' begin...
  3. Stuart


    Yup. That is indeed the "normal" pattern and virtually all the captains in Rocky Point will tell you the same thing. On the bright side, as soon as it does lay down, there should be an awesome grouper bite ready to take off!! Tides look nice for this coming weekend. If the wind cooperates...
  4. Stuart


    As bad as I've had the fishing bug... I've been waiting it out. There's a reason they call it a "heaving" sea!!! Just no fun for anyone when it's windy. :boat:
  5. Stuart

    fishing locations

    Define "small" please. I have plenty of locations I can share with you; just depends on how seaworthy/far you are willing to go. Most common ones are within 10 to 12 miles of the harbor or Cholla Bay. There are plenty further out, as well.
  6. Stuart

    5 Myths about Mexico

    Last warning - all. If you insist on making political statements in the public forums (that's why we have Rants and Raves)... you'll end up in Banned Camp, located somewhere near the outskirts of the lovely metropolis of Gila Bend. Thank-you, The Management
  7. Stuart

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    So, here's the plan... I'm going to start saving all my white sea bass bladders. Think anybody (other than federal agents conducting a DNA test) would really know the difference? I mean, can you see some Chinese guy somewhere in a restaurant saying "HEY!! This fish bladder soup tastes like white...
  8. Stuart

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    Y'all need a chill pill, not Viagra.
  9. Stuart

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    I'm surprised we haven't heard more about it. Right in our backyard.
  10. Stuart

    What kind of fish is this?

    It helps that I have pretty strong knowledge of most of the local critters, too. Mexfish is a good confirmation with supporting pix once you have an idea of the general species. I have a lot of my own pix for many of the fish, but nowhere near the catalog Gene Kira has assembled over the years!!
  11. Stuart

    ROCKY POINT Stinks

    Jerry? Waaaaayyyy too much information! <gag>
  12. Stuart

    ROCKY POINT Stinks

    Not so much -- it's all shell, for the most part. BUT... it could be processed to make an additive for chicken feed. Back in my farm days, we used to add a calcium supplement to the chicken feed to keep the egg shells strong and it was made primarily from oyster shell.
  13. Stuart

    ROCKY POINT Stinks

    Rotting snail piles... yummy! The only stink that even comes close was in San Lucas Cove during Humboldt squid season. All the fish camps of pangas would squid all night, then clean the squid in the shallow water of the cove, which of course, washed right up on the beach. You couldn't stand to...
  14. Stuart

    What kind of fish is this?

    Okay then... it's a flying fish. Right? I was going with the color because I couldn't clearly see the mouth, but you're right, parrot fish have a beak like a triggerfish. I'll revise my original ID - it's a Spinster Wrasse. Same deal with them, shallow water reef munchers. Easy catch for an...
  15. Stuart

    What kind of fish is this?

    A dead one? :rofl: Seriously, though -- looks to be a parrotfish. They are pretty much reef feeders; osprey was probably able to snatch him while he was busy chomping on some reef crustaceans.
  16. Stuart

    Crazy couples

    I think you need the "Swingers" forum.
  17. Stuart

    A dumb question about sting-rays and their stings

    Depends, but generally anything you're gonna wear in the water is not going to stop it (sneakers, canvas, rubber, etc.). They do make special boots and guards that will stop a snakebite or stingray barb. These are popular with wade fisherman in Texas, Florida, etc. because they have plenty of...
  18. Stuart

    A dumb question about sting-rays and their stings

    Basically, you are correct. The ray whips its tail (and bends its body when stepped on), causing the barb to pierce in a downward direction. The size of the ray makes no difference. Both times I've been stung were in the hand - once trying to unhook a very small ray I caught at La Pinta. I was...
  19. Stuart


  20. Stuart


    Bye Amanda! Bye Lisa! Was nice knowing ya! Hope ya spam up a lot of deals for pozos! (IP Adress from Bangalore? Really? That's as bad as Happy and his recent IP from Iceland!!) And oh... bye-bye Cin, too. :puff: