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  1. Stuart

    The Feds want your global income

    Can't do it, can you Kenny? You can't hold a discussion without a liberal vs. right wing slant? Leave the politics out of it. What happened in Detroit is due to: A) Loss of manufacturing (auto industry now all but gone) B) Mass exodus of the tax paying population due to rampant crime...
  2. Stuart

    The Feds want your global income

    My comment was in no way political -- it was simply based on the fact that, as a country, we owe one huge pile of heaping wampum. We don't elect people (either party) that seem to want to do anything about it except add to it. And most Americans seem perfectly content with that. Detroit is just...
  3. Stuart

    The Feds want your global income

    I don't live in fear, but I am concerned that our future as a country might look more like Detroit than the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz.
  4. Stuart

    did all the fishermen blow away in the wind?

    So, do they eat the guitarfish or dry and sell them to make devil chupacabras out of them? There certainly isn't much in the way of meat on them, mostly cartilage.
  5. Stuart

    did all the fishermen blow away in the wind?

    ^ ^ ^ ^ Somebody got out. Yeah!!! Shawn... "a bit bumpy"... he's said the same thing about 30 ft. waves off the North Shore of Hawaii, too. Hahahaha! :rofl:
  6. Stuart

    Border Wait Locked

    I dunno... this is the 2nd thread that seemingly "locked" itself recently. Weird.
  7. Stuart

    lets see if anyone can answer this tide question

    Not sure I understand your question about offshore, but the water does indeed rise and fall with the tide. How do I know this? GPS - that also shows elevation. There have been times I've seen it read minus numbers. In essence, you are below sea level while you're at sea level. Figure THAT one...
  8. Stuart

    did all the fishermen blow away in the wind?

    I used to shorefish. Loved camping down at La Pinta and catching the nice corvina runs on the tide. But fishing is like heroin -- once addicted, you need stronger and stronger doses. Then I got my first boat... then got my second boat... and started fishing billfish tournaments and the deep...
  9. Stuart

    I see dead questions

    Does "manana" really mean the wind will lie down enough for a good day of fishing tomorrow? What does "almost free" really mean in terms of pesos? See question about Guau-Guau girls above. The more you know.....
  10. Stuart

    What Happened?

    It was YOU!!! Admit it. Sign zee papers and we won't be as hard on you!!! Hahahahah!!! :rofl:
  11. Stuart

    The Price of Shrimp

    Exactly. Now is not the time for shrimp. Season starts Sept. 15 and runs through April. If you've never had the chance, it's great to see the blessing of the fleet and all of the boats heading out of the harbor with fresh paint and such - it's the best they'll look all year!
  12. Stuart

    What Happened?

    I dunno... I didn't lock it and don't see any reason it should be locked... maybe Jeeper or Tyler slipped a digit? Unlocked...
  13. Stuart


    Yeah... that's it! Hahahhaah!
  14. Stuart


    Jack - The fonts haven't changed. Your eyes have. HOWEVER, you can adjust your browser to "zoom" in and display the text here in a larger format. In IE, you can select Page, Zoom, and then select the level of zoom. The same is true in most other browsers, although the menu option name may be...
  15. Stuart

    Big Wind Sale

    Jack be needin' his nap!!!! Hahahaha!! Trust me, we have some "George Costanza" days (as we call them at work) where you just want to crawl under your desk and take an hour nap!! :puff:
  16. Stuart


    That's kind of the nature of grouper fishing -- moving around from reef-to-reef. Truth be known, about 90% of the groupers caught on my boat are caught on the 1st drop. I'll give a reef the old college try for three, maybe four drifts, and if nobody's home, we pull lines and head right on to the...
  17. Stuart


    So, if you don't catch a grouper, do you feel cheated? Seriously, with that kind of attitude right up front, maybe you should just go fish a party boat in San Diego. It's called fishing, not catching, for a reason. :puff:
  18. Stuart

    A long overdue update.....

    Feel better, dear! I know it's been rough, but sounds like you're back on track!! Hugs!!
  19. Stuart

    Bad fire in Prescott!

    Maybe he did. Personally, I don't have that kind of faith and would take adequate prevention/precautions, but as is often said, the Lord works in mysterious ways.