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  1. Stuart

    This Weekend

    Good thing you're just planning on hooching, Hooch... 'cause it ain't lookin' pretty out there for fishing. 15 to 20 outta the south Fri., Sat. and maybe a teeny bit less on Sun. I was going to come down and fish, despite the tournament being cancelled. But, I can sit home next to our pool and...
  2. Stuart

    Ok, Who took the Telmex Internet Cable?

    Fixed it for ya!! Nobody ever commits to anything being fixed in an hour in Mexico! Are you SURE you live there???? :rofl:
  3. Stuart

    Hospitals suck...

    Walmart. Spring Valley - Milk Thistle extract in gel caps. 1000mg per cap. I take two everyday. Spring Valley Milk Thistle -
  4. Stuart

    Newby Looking to Fish Sandy Beach - Needs Expert Advice

    Funny, Joe... I bought that same mack pattern jig on Sat. @ PHX Fishing. 16 oz. for the deeper reefs.
  5. Stuart

    6th Annual Grouper Tournament

    Take your pick: (couple days forecast free, extended requires subscription) (free) (free, has more detailed with subscription) WeatherUnderground - Casa Weez (private weather station on the beach at Playa La Jolla, real time conditions) Current...
  6. Stuart

    6th Annual Grouper Tournament

    Just confirmed same with Dave. No funding, hence no tournament. Connie and I are going anyway because I've been saving my pennies for this event. I need to go pull on some fish, even if there is no competition. Hopefully, we'll have decent enough weather to get out one or two days next weekend...
  7. Stuart

    Newby Looking to Fish Sandy Beach - Needs Expert Advice

    The weight of the Kastmaster depends on how much wind. I have several weights and go heavier if it's windy. Otherwise, the smaller 1.5 oz is fine. ProTip: Get the ones with the white bucktail and the SINGLE hook, not the treble hook. The Kastmaster will orient itself hook up on retrieve and you...
  8. Stuart

    Newby Looking to Fish Sandy Beach - Needs Expert Advice

    You can eliminate about 1/2 your list if you're fishing from shore at Sandy Beach. My suggestion is search this forum for "La Pinta" and/or "surf fishing" and you'll find oodles of threads that have all the information you need. :)
  9. Stuart

    More beach stuff

    Thank Gene Kira. Probably the most knowledgeable Mexican fish guy out there. Years of labor have gone into that site. I, as a few others here, have contributed to Gene's site over the years. It's an excellent knowledge base!! :)
  10. Stuart

    More beach stuff

    Given the decomposition, can't say for certain, but it looks to me like an Argus Moray eel or one of the related species. Check this link, you'll agree. Argus Moray Eel fish pictures and species identification
  11. Stuart

    Nautilus shell??

    Nice. Now you're making me wish I was back on the beach near Punta Chivato. So... many... shells!!!
  12. Stuart

    Point me in the right direction

    No, but you CAN catch a "poor man's tarpon" -- tarpon's first cousin, ladyfish. They are a real hoot on light tackle. Typically, we've caught them down by the island on the troll. But, they get around. You can also go for broke and try for small roosterfish in the summer months. Haven't seen any...
  13. Stuart

    Underwater art in Mexico

    Very cool. The transformations of the sculptures into reef are pretty incredible.
  14. Stuart

    Moving to RP August 1st.

    Instead of life at the beach everyday? I dunno, Hooch. Pretty sweet deal for a 10 year old!
  15. Stuart

    6th Annual Fishing Tournament June 14-16

    It's already spent. :puff:
  16. Stuart

    6th Annual Fishing Tournament June 14-16

    Mostly, we just pay to play. That is, you have to actually WIN before there are any WINNINGS to be split! :rofl: But yes, nearly every tournament I've ever fished in was done as a team and it was agreed upon forehand than any winnings are split, sometimes with the boat getting a higher share to...
  17. Stuart

    6th Annual Fishing Tournament June 14-16

    Might be tough for you... most of us that have boats already have our teams together for this event. Not sure about the charters, but probably a similar case there. But hang in there, if someone drops or a team needs another member, at least you've got the word out there.