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  1. rockyptjoe

    Jerry's Secret Clandestine Airstrip Discovered

    You could always try landing on the was pretty hard packed over at Lobos....
  2. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    You know, someone ought to look into putting trailers in those condo hulks that haven't been completed....the one by the harbor (public launch area), and maybe Tessoro, or the phases that didn't get built....good use of space....all you need is a lift on the outside to get them up there, and a...
  3. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    I like that..... "Vista de Nada"......:stir:
  4. rockyptjoe

    Jerry's Secret Clandestine Airstrip Discovered

    I recall that there were stretches long enough for a jumbo jet to land!!!
  5. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    Isn't that yours on the third floor????:rofl:
  6. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    Mine say "CountryCrock" (I like the brown motif better...):moon::rofl:
  7. rockyptjoe

    Condos being built on Mirador....

    New condos being built on site of old Miramar RV Park.... Sorry Chari...I couldn't resist!!!
  8. rockyptjoe

    Dont,t bring dirt or food into into Mexico

    I guess you missed the smiley in my post................
  9. rockyptjoe

    Dont,t bring dirt or food into into Mexico

    GV Jack....I can find the places for shopping...I was referring to visitors who may come 2 or 3 times a year....not everyone considers looking for ribyeyes or the "right" cheese as an adventure....they are in Penasco to relax on the beach and enjoy their vacations...and your idea of "fun" or an...
  10. rockyptjoe

    Dont,t bring dirt or food into into Mexico

    I'm all for shopping locally as much as I can....but many people coming down don't know their way around town, don't know where to shop, and don't want to spend a lot of time looking and take away from their vacation time. They may split their time eating out and preparing stuff where they are...
  11. rockyptjoe

    Some great aerial shots of Penasco and the area...

    I hope you're talking about the photos.....:rofl::-o
  12. rockyptjoe

    Some great aerial shots of Penasco and the area...

  13. rockyptjoe

    Cheesburgers For Charity update

    Love to do it...probably won't be drinking much with the meds I'm on....if the alcohol wouldn't destroy my liver, the combo definitely would! But I'll be glad to "record" the event for posterity's sake!!!:veg::rofl:
  14. rockyptjoe

    Some great aerial shots of Penasco and the area...

    That's weird...cause I just clicked on it and the album shows up.....are you a FB member?
  15. rockyptjoe

    Some great aerial shots of Penasco and the area...

    Saw this gallery on FB....
  16. rockyptjoe

    Fishing Charters?

    contact Mark....Seadweller on here......he and his wife book for some of the charters down there... 602.324.9529 +52 6383834963 (Mexican #)
  17. rockyptjoe

    Thanksgiving weekend roll call - version 2011

    just bring your body instead.....
  18. rockyptjoe

    1,181 hit's Mexico Joe, if we count Stuarts.

    Maybe not.,...he's playing to the fears/opinions of some of the other posters concerning mexico and Penasco.....
  19. rockyptjoe

    Cheesburgers For Charity update

    Sorry...I just can't seem to figure out how to attach photos on here to show up larger..... All of the photos will be on this address..