Hey Ink...how about starting a "division" coming out of Phoenix? The last time a friend of mine took one of the shuttles from Phoenix, it took her about 9 hours with all the stops they made.....normally a 4 - 4 1/2 hour trip direct (from Gilbert)...
Rob....do you think you'll have any oil like last year?
I'll be picking up a container of peanut oil (enough for one pot) when CostCo or Sams starts carrying it. I should also have a turkey (12-13 lbs. work well for the deep fryers).
Got this from Chuck (AzBeachboy)....
I can't log on to the Rocky Point forum? So here is what I was going to post...
R.P. Joe, thanks for telling me about this thread. Valerie and I are planning our annual Thanksgiving party. If we have all the major players from the last couple of years almost...
Rob...you fry...I'll carve!!!! Gonna start looking for peanut oil at CostCo or SamsClub....
I'm going to contact Chuck (AzBeachboy) to see if he and Val are up for it again....
Great news Bill...I also hope that they're reading the test results correctly...however....the cost of hearing aids is not that much less than the price quoted for that device the San Luis doctor said she needed.....
Planning on it.....
Thanksgiving pot luck at San Rafael again???? AzBeachboy...are you reading this???
Last year we had 4 turkeys (or was it 5?), hams, fixins, desert, some excellent "punch" (thanks to AzRob)...and about 30 people show up!!!