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  1. El Gato

    Cool July Nights

    We turned the A/C off a few days ago and opened all the windows/doors and it felt great - especially at night. Turns out it had been cooler outside at night then what we had the A/C set for inside! Duh. And sitting outside in late afternoon looking at the Sea of Cortez has been perfect - Corona...
  2. El Gato

    Walmart running sale on school supplies....

    If you are buying the school supplies for charity (schools down here) maybe the manager could give a discount?
  3. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    Could be - my direction sense is terrible - once my daughter and I got lost in three States over an hour and a half time period (CT, NY, NJ) - my DH never trusts my directions :)
  4. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    Is is on Benito Juarz - south of Calle 13 on the east side of the street - there is a stop light there - I'm always missing it. It is sort of a dollar store. Some of their prices are really good and others seemed a little highe then some of the mercado's like Super Ley, Santa Fe, etc. They have...
  5. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    Yes, have gone to both lots of time and can get some of the things - last time I was there neither of them refrig. their eggs (Super Ley does) - Like the meat and bakery best at Bodega (and the cat food is cheapest there) - Santa Fe and Super Ley tend to have better veggies and fruits then...
  6. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    Yes DH did find the Carmel Corn - only last two times we were there they didn't have any. Will check again. Let me know if she has any problems bringing in the eggs - as a friend on his last run was told them he couldn't bring them in any more. Hopefully that was just a one time problem (they...
  7. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    I buy a lot of things down here - we esp. love the fruits and veggies (can't beat quality and/or price) and I love the Sonoran Beef (DH likes the poorer grade of US beef - sigh). Eggs I have a problem with as most places don't keep them refrig. and they are dirty (a major no no when I used to...
  8. El Gato

    US type of foods in Penasco?

    My DH likes certain US foods - Beanie-Weenies, Corn beef hash, Carrot cake, etc. Frozen foods (like Stoffers), etc. Does anyone know who might carry some of these types of can goods? I know Rocky Imports carrys a few - like Ragu Speg. mix - pan cake mix - some cake mixes (not carrot cake...
  9. El Gato

    Kitty Treats

    Thank you for the offier - might take you up on it. Ordered some from Petsmart and not sure what the duty will add up to - they are due in next week (perfer to buy here when they have them as like supporting the places here - but sometimes they just are not to be had!).
  10. El Gato

    Kitty Treats

    You haven't heard George cry - his grandmother was an Asian Leopard cat and he tries to out do her "roars of the jungle" - besides, we're softies anyway. Did pick up the last of the treats at Santa Fe
  11. El Gato

    Kitty Treats

    Thank you Roberto - we are headed there right now :)
  12. El Gato

    Immigration Office in Penasco at new location

    I found the following and it looks like if one is retired here - receiving Social Security - living full time - that under the new "point" system one could qualify for “Residente Permanente“ immediately. How is anyone else reading it? Rosy, in particuar :) - Would love it if we just had to...
  13. El Gato

    Kitty Treats

    He shares what ever my DH is eating too - he just thinks that he gets his "Temptations" before bedtime - he is cat with an agenda.
  14. El Gato

    Kitty Treats

    Does anyone know where to find Kitty treats - like "Temptations" down here? Super Ley used to have them every once in a while - but not for months now. El Gato has run out of his treats (not that he actually needs them but he drives us nuts if they aren't forecoming). I've ordered some on line...
  15. El Gato

    Foods allowable ....

    Are frozen foods allow? If I'm reading the above correctly items in cans, boxes and glass jars are ok? We normally make a groc run every two to three months for things I can't get down here (other then beef as my DH likes the more fat filled US beef then Sonoran beef - I think he is nuts). I...
  16. El Gato

    Immigration Office in Penasco at new location

    Will do the same - just didn't know if it had been made a lot easier for renewals.
  17. El Gato

    Immigration Office in Penasco at new location

    Is it fairly easy to renew your FM-2 buy yourself? What is required? Thank you.
  18. El Gato

    Local Woman Is Missing

    I understand she is now home. Thank you to those that helped look for her.
  19. El Gato

    Local Woman Is Missing

    deleted Message deleted
  20. El Gato

    Donuts - ala krispy Kreme?

    Is this the Reggie's 8/12 that is just down the street from Fremont? I get lost easily. Tks