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  1. moore_rb

    Grouper fishing this past weekend April 20-22

    Went down last weekend and had another great trip catching big grouper... we boated several, ranging from 35 to 90 pounds and had many more than that released themselves (and our gear) on the rocks. Dave even had something gi-normous break his pole into a million splinters. We lost the steering...
  2. moore_rb

    Help me identify these fish!

    #1 - Lizardfish #2 - Bonefish #3 - Spottail grunt (or Cortez grunt)
  3. moore_rb

    RIP Jose Wejebe

    Jose Wejebe of ESPN's "The Spanish Fly" died in a plane crash earlier this month....:-( Jose Wejebe - Spanish Fly Memorial Tribute Show - Spanish Fly TV
  4. moore_rb

    Grouper Tournament This Year?

    I haven't heard.
  5. moore_rb

    Weekend Yak Report March 30- April 1

    Glad to hear you let that little Pinto swim away... give him 3 more years and he'll be one of the ones rocking up your bottom rig... :) I am jonesin to get down there one more time before it gets really steamy - maybe week after next.
  6. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    Hi Bill- Mid May for the Pompano, Corvina and leather jacks. The reef ledge is about a mile off the beach on the Encanto side of the estuary- and runs from NW to SE. If you have a depth finder you'll see it drop from about 40 feet down to 50.
  7. moore_rb

    Lobos ..windy but

    Man.. I luv catchin them big 'ole Yellows... When is that road going to be finished, already? My boat is dying to be towed down there. 80 miles each way over the water is BRUTAL.
  8. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    I am revising my guess.... Sand Tiger Shark. That is the one I was thinking of with the hump back and the short dorsal fin... not the bull shark. Sand tigers have the high back, pointy nose and jagged teeth.
  9. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    With the hump back (which might also just be a photo distortion from the head being propped up); and the smallish dorsal fin, my guess would be bull shark.
  10. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    My pleasure... In my opinion, for trolling a big deep diving crankbait, 15lb is too light. 20-30, combined with an 8 inch 30lb sevenstrand wire leader, will set you up to handle most everything near shore except the really big gulf grouper. Another tip when trolling- keep a second pole...
  11. moore_rb

    Martin & Sailfish

    Hah- I opened this thread expecting to see a picture of Martin posing next to his sailfish... :)
  12. moore_rb

    Martin & Sailfish

    Marlin.... rare, but occasional. I recall that Rick Hammer had one grab a bait he was dropping last year. Sailfish are an interesting story- according to Bill Valentine's book, the Cholla Bay Sportsman's club was actually originally founded primarily as a Sailfish and Dorado fishing club- and...
  13. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    The original silver and blue jointed rebel fastrac has been a Sea of Cortez staple for decades, but they are really hard to come by these days- been out of production for years. Many guys have written about the productivity of "white with red head" colored crankbaits for near-shore groupers as...
  14. moore_rb

    The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens about

    Ummmm.... Countries that no longer exist: Missing Countries - Countries That No Longer Exist So, it seems that countries form and collapse like soap bubbles as part of a fairly regular global process. But let's just ignore that for a moment and assume that adding countries actually does add...
  15. moore_rb

    The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens about

    Can you please explain exactly what is more complicated in the world today? and please keep it simple- remember I only have 12 years of college and 3 degrees, so common sense is not my strongest skill.... My job takes me everywhere- I often travel 100 days out of the year, and I see nothing...
  16. moore_rb

    Real Bratwurst!

    I'll only sign on for the project if I get top billing in the credits... {says the self-conflicted Libertarian Narcicist}
  17. moore_rb

    The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens about

    No comment on the first part of your post; but BRAVO for the last sentence.
  18. moore_rb

    Weekend fishing

    yup. However, The point that White Seabass can be taken near shore in the spring is still valid.
  19. moore_rb

    The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform U.S. citizens about

    Brilliant... the logic is almost laughable: 1) The Secret Service makes anyplace safe enough for a politician's kid. 2) If you are a politician's kid, go ahead and go where you want (on the taxpayer dime) 3) If you are a taxpayer, don't you dare go wherever YOU want, because the world is...