Search results

  1. Jungle Jim

    Super Hot in AZ...and not so hot in Rocky Point?

    Left Mirador last Sunday morning at 88 degrees and after only a thirty minute wait to get across hit Yuma at 111. Right now in Yuma it's 121 at 7 PM! Just another June day in the desert. My hot tub at the moment is 102 and the pool is 92. Both heated with the ambient air temps. JJ
  2. Jungle Jim

    Fishing Las Conchas' side of Marua Estuary help in June

    So Joe, The reason Mullet jump is that they are gulping a mouth full of air like Goldfish (Carp). Mullet can live in water with very low oxygen levels especially like exists in the filthy harbor at PP therefore need a little jolt of O2 every so often. They are filter feeders just like...
  3. Jungle Jim

    Fishing Las Conchas' side of Marua Estuary help in June

    So Joe, Mullet (Lisa) used to be the best live bait for Totuava during their spawning runs up the mouth of the Colorado River. The Mullet used to spawn right here in Yuma, in fact even in the canal only two blocks from my home. After spawning they would die by the millions and stink up the...
  4. Jungle Jim

    Made It to The Big Leagues

    Hey Joe..... Looks like no one is interested in steering you in the right direction to rig your boat. Try these two, I've been using them for many years now: iBOATS.COM Boat US has stores in San Diego and are tied in to West Marine. Good luck! JJ
  5. Jungle Jim

    Getting around this to fish at the old Liberty Cove

    Someone should tell Mayra to check out the beach from Desemboque just south of Santo Tomas. Two weeks ago we did a Jeep TJ Rubicon beach run from Desemboque back up north to Punta Juagay. Counted thirty two fresh killed Olive Ridleys including two huge old male breeders with their signature long...
  6. Jungle Jim

    Trip Report 4/24-26 w/Obligatory Pics

    Thanks Joe, I do have a lot to contribute here but the mini tyrant in control here want's none of it. Surprised he hasn't required a scanned proof of your Covid vax certificate in order for someone to even look at this forum. "Nineteen eighty four comes knocking at the door"! Later, JJ
  7. Jungle Jim


    I could respond with some helpful factual info about my many years with Safe Marina that continue to this day. But sorry, I've been branded as a "racist" by this forum and others only for writing the truth. In other words like all of other the PP and RP forums anything negative about the...
  8. Jungle Jim

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Just a bit of current P Penasco Gringo rip-off in full bullshit mode. Had two gasoline gouging attempts last weekend. The Pemex at the circle on Freemont to Los Conchas: Stopped to top off my tank in my Jeep TJ for a trip out to the first estuary and do some Bucktail Spoon tossing at the...
  9. Jungle Jim

    Arturo's fishing charter in Puerto Lobos

    Just in from another fabuloso PP long weekend. No major issues with the Mexican so-called law enforcement. Sent to secondary when crossing the line at San Luis. The aduana kid in secondary recognized us and waved us thru without a peep inside or outside the truck. Same with the agricultural...
  10. Jungle Jim

    Arturo's fishing charter in Puerto Lobos

    Thanks for your concern Joe! Don't forget that I got banded from the forum for most of last year. Don't even know why since the "moderator" is too spineless to fess up. Just a taste of the commie crap coming to you and yours and our so called "free speech". Just now leaving for Mirador and a...
  11. Jungle Jim

    Long Newcomer Trip Report 2/2021 Part One

    The horror of it all. I feel so sorry for you. No TV? Shocking to say the least! No smart phone? Even worse! We will be down there at our place in El Mirador for a few days next week. I'll get those lazy bad Mezzican boys back in line. JJ
  12. Jungle Jim

    Arturo's fishing charter in Puerto Lobos

    Car-Tell country. They own everything that comes out of the Sea there. If you don't pay then expect to be terminado. Make sure that your life insurance is up to date, although it certainly has a clause as to no pay in a foreign war zone. JJ
  13. Jungle Jim

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    I am officially banding you Stu! The "F" word is really disturbing to some me. So is there anything of interest that anybody want's to rockypointtalk about now days? Thanks for the support JoseAz. Later, JJ
  14. Jungle Jim

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Hey Stu, It is known as the toll road on the Coastal Highway from San Luis Sonora to Puerto Penasco Sonora. Myself and many others regularly do 100 mph. plus and never get stopped. One hundred and ten pesos and the whole road is yours! JJ
  15. Jungle Jim

    To All...

    Sieg Heil Der Fuhrer! Pleeeze do not band me. Your humble servant. JJ
  16. Jungle Jim

    Where to mingle and meet others during lockdown?

    Americans???????????????? No one on this blog has to identify themselves as an American, it's plain fucking obvious. The statement that you just made identifies yourself as an asshole troll foreigner, most likely a paid communist chink just stirring up the bees in order to get some insight on...
  17. Jungle Jim


    Wow! Some mugshots, might as well still be wearing their bandito masks and cheap sunglasses. They will be recognizable anywhere. JJ
  18. Jungle Jim

    Going back across the border 5/14/2020

    Hey Stu............. They moved to face book PP Fans and Community..... Where it is many times worse than this site ever was with the bickering, name calling, ZERO factual info and a lot of HATEFUL Mexicans. Not to mention it's a real estate shark's dream. Many of the RP Times ripoff Hawaii...
  19. Jungle Jim


    In two years you might see them pulling "security" detail in the parking lot at the Reef making certain that no one steals the shit off of your quad or Jeep but them. Dem times be tuff. Thieves just gotta thieve. Uniform or not. Typical LEO anywhere. Ja Ja Ja! JJ