Someone should tell Mayra to check out the beach from Desemboque just south of Santo Tomas. Two weeks ago we did a Jeep TJ Rubicon beach run from Desemboque back up north to Punta Juagay. Counted thirty two fresh killed Olive Ridleys including two huge old male breeders with their signature long fat tails and clasper claws on their front flippers. Both had the unique Sea Turtle Barnacles two or three inches across on their backs. All of the turtles were fresh and bloody many still in the retreating surf. Most had a pair of Zopilotes on their backs guarding the delicious red meat and would only fly off when we walked up to maybe twenty feet. The bottom scrapers are most certainly NOT USING the required by law TEDS " Turtle Excluder Devices".
Also, of note............the Pangueros there are in their last fits of securing any form of sea life worth gathering to sell. We saw literally thousands of Bulls Eye Puffer Fish washed up on the high tide line. They had all been stripped of flesh leaving only the head, backbone and skin. Funny thing is that they are deadly to eat when not properly cleaned. We also saw a new trend with deep water chicken wire traps that were just loaded many thousands of a new small puffer fish that I have never seen before. At only six or seven inches long with big yellow bunny teeth all were dumped in the desert behind the dunes. The traps were intended for the Pink Murex snail so relished by our NORCOM friends overseas.
Another note..........we saw what appeared to be pale blue pieces of wood that looked like sectioned out airplane wings with the airfoil shape washed up by the dozens. Upon stopping and walking up to them throught the swarming black death shit flies we could see that they were large Bat Rays with their "wings" and tail barbs removed. There is your source for the so called "Manta Raya" now so popular in PP these days, what a waste of completely innocent animals, and what might I ask are they doing with the "stinger" barbs??? Another male enhancement product for CHICOMS??? Must be a rush when yer Doc slips that thing up yer limp choizo!
Another note......first time we saw dozens of Shovel Nosed Sharks "Guitar Fish" that had been killed, dumped at sea then washed up on the beach after someone had removed their fins, three inch long fins to be exact!!