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  1. tyler

    Site Maintenance

    Maybe not... Just realized I have the wrong hard drives :(
  2. tyler

    Site Maintenance

    I will be doing some maintenance to the server this forum is hosted on tonight and tomorrow. During this time, the forum will be unavailable. Sorry about that.
  3. tyler

    Bad time on Sandy Beach

    Checkout does suck on a Sunday ;-) I've waited almost an hour once at Las Palomas.... But it's worth it...
  4. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Taptalk is great if you are viewing things on your phone.
  5. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Should be back now.
  6. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Actually, just click on your name on the top right and click Personal Details. You can create a custom title (I believe)
  7. tyler

    New Forum Software

    We can change it to whatever you want, what do you want there?
  8. tyler

    Best weather website?

    I'm adding the weather to our forum, but I've noticed a lot of them have no data or produce fake data (one said it's 50 degrees right now!) What do you guys use for your weather source?
  9. tyler

    Is There a Jellyfish Season?

    Yeah, October I believe. I didn't pee on her, but the hotel maintenance staff sprayed windex on her. Apparently that does the same thing.... :confused: I think that's why our marriage didn't work out.... or atleast that's the story I told myself.
  10. tyler

    Is There a Jellyfish Season?

    My (now) ex-wife got stung in RP when we were in the water several years back. Interesting experience to say the least!
  11. tyler

    Where Were You on 9/11

    Sleeping, my parents woke me up when the first plane hit. Didn't realize it was a terrorist attack until a little later. Still remember it like it was yesterday.
  12. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Yep. Websites aren't made for Internet explorer anymore. You'll get a much better and faster browsing experience by using something newer.
  13. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Stop using Internet explorer ;). Use a real browser like Firefox or chrome
  14. tyler

    New Forum Software

    We're working on getting that added, in the mean time, you can click on 'Recent Activity' on the top to see all of the recent activity.
  15. tyler

    New Forum Software

    If you use FireFox (or Chrome, I think...) it turns words red if you misspell them. There's no way to auto correct, because we have no idea what you are trying to type.
  16. tyler

    New Forum Software

    The avatar's are bigger now, so when it copied the small ones from the previous forum, it distorted them a bit. Best to just re-upload your avatar and it'll use the new correct size.
  17. tyler

    New Forum Software

    How many beers have you had today? :eek:
  18. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Chat is back!
  19. tyler

    New Forum Software

    The chat hasn't been installed yet, that's something I'm still working on.
  20. tyler

    New Forum Software

    Yep, little things like that will need to be tweaked. This is a completely new forum software, much faster though.