I just realized we booked our RP trip for the last weekend in September which is when they have the triathlon... at our hotel even...
How busy does it get down there? I don't know how many people show up for the tri, but I assume it'll be much busier than normal.
After about 9 years, I'm going down to rocky point again! Ironic since I own this website...
Anyways - is there a map of all the important places, such as shopping, groceries, restaurants, etc?
I forgot where everything is....
As Stuart pointed out, this information is available on Google as it's all public records. However, please make sure not to physically go to his house, call him or send anything to him. I would suggest anyone who has been threatened by him to contact the Pima County Sheriff's Office. You...
I disabled the ability to post new profile posts, which should clear up some confusion. I'll find a way to delete the old ones on the page. I was never a fan of that as people thought those messages were private.
To prevent downtime, I moved the forum to a new server while I was doing the maintenance and moved it back this morning when the maintenance was over. I assume you just hit it at the right time during the move.