Puerto Penasco Home Port


Truth hurts huh! And who might you be, the ser′geant at arms of this Mod Squad.
Yes, the truth about the Home Port hurts. The truth is I am a guy who believes the Home Port will create an environmental disaster for the Sea of Cortez that I dearly love. I do not believe the environmental impact studies were accurate & those that were of negative nature were ignored. If that makes me the "sar'geant at arms" I will accept that as a compliment. Who might you be?


Yes, the truth about the Home Port hurts. The truth is I am a guy who believes the Home Port will create an environmental disaster for the Sea of Cortez that I dearly love. I do not believe the environmental impact studies were accurate & those that were of negative nature were ignored. If that makes me the "sar'geant at arms" I will accept that as a compliment. Who might you be?
He's the latest and greatest troll.
Your profile say's your a "boat" salesman from San Diago/Cholla Bay How can anyone who lives or has a place in Cholla be for the deal? Anyone?
I have a place in Cholla and the Cruise Port isn't one of my favorite things that needs to happen anytime soon,

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
we are already f$#$ the earth up enough. Poor thing only has a few billion years left. All those oil rigs on the other side of the country are doing more than enough damage to the environment. A little crooked penis (our sea port) sticking out of the sea of cortez won't make that much of a difference. Plus, I can count at least 5 other environment issues that are a hell of a lot worse in penasco.


I like a dialog but it seems none of you real estate flacks have read the article or really thought about this project.This thing will ruin Arizona weekend beach visitors experience.That cannot be a good thing for you guys either. dry Heat how does it feel owning part of project that is Cartel property?

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
jerry, I know you know that the Cartel own and run a lot more than most realize. All I hope for is that we have 1 solid organization running the business rather than a bunch of groups fighting for the same territory. This business model works best for the avg. investor.


The Bs story that they are delaying to wait till the specs. For mega - cruise ships from the cruise companies does not make any sense. This route only rates reworked older ships.In the summer months even these may be too large to come south to north.Something else is going on and it is most likely trouble for all involved.