Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Betcha Happy's ringing his phone off his desk with his Sybil personalities.....
No, he's too busy creating new email addresses and sending me personal hate mail that I block and don't even bother to read. Dude has issues. I'll leave it at that.

PS HAPPY -Nanny-nanny boo-boo! You can't even browse the forums anymore, can ya? Go ahead, create another screen name and watch me bitch slap it into oblivion. There. I feel better now!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
No, he's too busy creating new email addresses and sending me personal hate mail that I block and don't even bother to read. Dude has issues. I'll leave it at that.

PS HAPPY -Nanny-nanny boo-boo! You can't even browse the forums anymore, can ya? Go ahead, create another screen name and watch me bitch slap it into oblivion. There. I feel better now!

lol that was actually pretty funny. Now, can we talk about the Greeks?


Attacking the press is fun for everyone!!!:grin: Let's be frank: While many of you are concluding this was simply a bad-guys vs. bad-guys incident, that's a very convenient conclusion to reach because it whitewashes the problem. That doesn't mean it's not true, but it does mean that the conclusion should be treated with skepticism. lagrimas85 appears to have better information but is unwilling to go into detail.

Also, several of you are treating "selling papers" as if it were a sin. Our business depends on us being a worthwhile, relevant, accurate news source. So, yes, these stories sell papers -- and for good reason! If you have a critique or correction to my story, please let me know rather than broadly criticizing "The Media." I happily "sell papers" with good information.

If you think I've exaggerated about the incidents, go to the State Department's description of the home invasion in this bulletin: "In a separate incident, vacationers, many of whom were U.S. citizens, were victims of a home invasion during which adults and children were held at gunpoint while the house was robbed and a woman was sexually assaulted." In a SEPARATE INCIDENT, there was a "home invasion and assault that left a U.S. citizen severely injured" — i.e. there have been two home invasions affecting U.S. citizens in RP in the last four months.

Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter
[email protected] ; 520-807-8427
I know you are doing you're job Tim, but please do not use the State Department or the Consulate as a means of valid information. Please don't use their bulletin bs. It's like, "don't go to Rocky Point, there is Swine Flu in Mexico City." Their cockamamie reports have screwed Rocky Point for years. Total fabrication, misinformation and exaggeration. Reporters, uninformed and inexperienced like yourself, continue to hammer Rocky Point into oblivion. Move down there, get on the ground, build some real relationships and then you might be able to report at a higher level than you are doing. Maybe even better than a bunch of us 'novices' like we all are on this blog-site! I can tell you this though, this blog-site is 1000x more accurate than the stinking State Department !



have you had the opportunity to interview the "US citizens" that were "victims" of said home invasions?
You and I are in similar lines of work that require the play of words. I'll give one as an example...

event: A home invasion of a group of renters from the US recently took place. It appears that criminal ties and/or previous connections between both groups may be in play. The event led to a shootout a few days later between both groups, in which known criminals were killed in the shootout. Various reports point to a connection between both events and a connection that the home invasion was targeted.

clever wording: A born and bred American who loves apple pie and child of a weeping mother experienced a horrific event when a group of the most dangerous humans entered their vacationing home while they cooked hotdogs and made smores. The area that this heinous act took place is an area were god loving americans frequent.

Tim- you may want to consider further research other than cut and paste bits and pieces of info you read about online. For example do some investigative journalism regarding the 2 events and you may find out it was not as exciting and dangerous as you had hoped for.

best of luck!
From everything I have heard, there were individuals with KIDS and WIVES, and their 'men' were involved with shady activities. They may have been Americans, however they were not like a little family from Awatukee going down for a little sun in the fun and some shrimp tacos. I hate to hear about any violence against innocents, but the men they were with put them in that position.

I was told that in the home invasion, a group of the people staying in the house had gone out for drinks and maybe the casino. When the invasion took place, the 'invaders' specifically asked where the guys who had gone into town were. They were looking for specific individuals. When they didn't find them, the basically became "terrorists" as cartel members do to prove a point, and did what they did. It is terrible, but it is NOT a random act of violence like is being portrayed in the US media and the salivating story that MR Senior Reporter Tim on The Scent wants to report.

It sucks though because perception is reality.


......Awaiting your calls and emails ;-) .... Tim, aka Señor Reporter
[email protected] ; 520-807-8427
Tim, seriously, do you spect to get answers in this forum???? the great majority does know nothing, as you can read, they do not even live in Rocky Point full time and the others left know as much as the first group, and have very little understanding of the language as they are not proficent at it after 30 years of living down in Mexico, those two ingredients put together tells you it's going to be a sucky dinner!!! IMHO
And by the way I know as much or less than anybody in this forum, except for 2 maybe 3 and they do not come out of their cacoon to often either, I wonder why?????

PS: I am glad this was a good distraction from the Chik-a-fil controversy going on in USA, luckly nobody has been killed, raped or kidnapped while everybodies eyes and ears are at it!!
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AKA Carnac
Hey Mexi Jose, maybe they were looking for Paul Babeu ?
Lar, you have some of the worst info going. Either your friend at the city is a complete buffoon or he is a bull sheeting you. They were probably looking for you, not Babeu, when they heard you were gonna make an ass of yourself. You are the one I was refering to, in the other thread, about being in the know. When the truth comes out we will all be celebrating, with a big fricken slice of Baklava.


AKA Carnac
Tim, seriously, do you spect to get answers in this forum???? the great majority does know nothing, as you can read, they do not even live in Rocky Point full time and the others left know as much as the first group, and have very little understanding of the language as they are not proficent at it after 30 years of living down in Mexico, those two ingredients put together tells you it's going to be a sucky dinner!!! IMHO
And by the way I know as much or less than anybody in this forum, except for 2 maybe 3 and they do not come out of their cacoon to often either, I wonder why?????

PS: I am glad this was a good distraction from the Chik-a-fil controversy going on in USA, luckly nobody has been killed, raped or kidnapped while everybodies eyes and ears are at it!!
Inka, you nailed it.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Hi Tim,

Welcome to the ROCKY POINT TALK FORUM. This is a great site and sometimes we even talk about things in Rocky Point. Thank God for Crescent Rolls.

I had a cousin, Howard Bryan who unfortunately passed away at age 91, recently. Howard was a reporter. journalist and author,
who was quite well known in the New Mexico area. In fact, I know there are some in this forum that new him.

Our families grew up in Cleveland and when Bud returned from WW2 he went to work for the old and now defunct Cleveland Press.
He went to visit New Mexico and made it his home. We were chatting one day and I asked him what made a good reporter great.
He said going to the story and not letting it come to you. He also said verify, verify, verify.

Now, I wouldn't dream of telling a seasoned reporter how to do his business, but it might help if you go to Rocky Point and dig into it there.
I would go in the day time because there have been reports that driving at night can be dangerous, in Phoenix. I would be more than glad
to meet you there in late September, to introduce you to my friends at the Centro Police Station. I am very well known there as the Green
Valley Desparado. (By the way this is my way of warning those in Rocky Point that I'm coming so get the women, children and sheep off the
streets.) Now if you want to meet the gendarmes sooner, I have a friend I can set you up with who is much more well known with them than
I am. I wont give you his name, but his initials are R.O.B.E.R.T.O.

So Tim, go to Puerto Penasco, get the real story, not the U.S Government version and let us know what the truth is. I believe that's the purpose
of investigative reporting. Truth.....


GV Jack


If I were a reporter, I would get my butt down to Penasco instead of asking people who weren't there- where we're the guards?
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If I were a reporter, I would get my but down to Penasco instead of asking people who weren't there- where we're the guards?
No one is going to pay a reporter to vacation in Penasco, they would miss reporting on other violence. They will blow and go on the story until it does not sell papers then go on to the next bit of bull. Hey he's got Wahoo's quote that he can accurately report and document what else you all gonna give him??

BTW, rumor mill folk, I have now 3 different versions of ALL the facts and details from THREE different usually reliable and believable in-the-know sources and guess what?? They are all different! One source is 'well connected' on one side, another source is 'well connected' on the other side and the third source is well, just well connected and respected. Three sources, three stories just what to expect.

I really do not get those of you who want all the details. This situation appears to have been a tragedy for some and maybe they don't want to be on Reality TV.

Larry Audsley did you invite this reporter to the forum and did you feed him the tidbits to get him going? He seems to be familiar with you.
Given the amount of subscribers and ad revenue the Star currently has, it's doubtful they have the budget to send a reported further than South Tucson.
Folks, I'll see you down there one of these days. I'm working on another story this week and unable to go. I will also be gone a good bit of next week. Hence, checking in on this forum. And yes, I know Larry from contact on previous stories. Roberto, did you read my 2010 story on Rocky Point. Read it, read the others. Tell me where I was wrong.

As far as traveling, here's my latest story from Mexico: Mayor Vicente Terán: In Agua Prieta, he's go-to man