24 hours later, I'm surprised, and also very happy to say that I haven't heard much negativity at all from people I know. Only one "I told you so!" today and the guy that said it is an idiot on an everyday basis anyway. Most people asked me if I had heard, and of course I said yes. I didn't try to defend or make excuses. Most said they really couldn't say anything bad, considering all the crazy shooters, pedophiles, car jackings and other everyday activities that go on in the US. That makes me happy. I'm so glad that so far I've been wrong in thinking that the incident yesterday was just going to bury our town. Is it a symptom of people becoming numb to violence in the world in general? I don't know and I really don't care. I hope RP continues to prosper, but it's not my job to convince anyone how to live their lives just as I don't want anyone telling me how to live mine. I will continue to come to RP every chance I get and let circumstances speak for themselves. The more times I go without anything happening to me, the better chance it will convince other people without me having to talk myself blue in the face.