Unauthorized Checkpoints on 8 to Rocky Point

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Ehh, I am not sure what all the fuss is. I look at the bright side, my next condo rental will be even cheaper, the harbor just a little less crowded and the wait at the border will be just a little shorter. Life is getting better in RP!
If we all go out of business, how will YOUR life be better?


Annoyingly mostly wrong!!!!you should be ashamed of yourself for continuing that bs in red at the bottom of your posts. Do you ever come actually here?

Nope, and I'm going to be updating it soon, because that "bs" as you call it is FACT. But I'm thoroughly enjoying that it annoys you, Pete, Russ, Bob and more!


I hope the whole damn lot of you become penniless, then you can sweep the sand out of my trailer on Sandy Beach for a pittance.
"In a nut shell, I didn't think you were responsible enough to react to it a rational manner. That could be why I didn't send it to you, but it's not."

Any questions?


You know what Kenny? I'm going to make it a special mission to monitor the consulate and other Government websites. There wont be a 5 day delay next time.


I think caravaning is unsafe because people don't drive fast enough.

Well this story is still alive and well. Interesting comments on KTAR:

Last time I went to Rocky Point

with the kids I was pulled over and had a gun pointed at my head and was asked for money and laughed at in front of my kids. Never again will I go to Mexico.

Protect our borders and our communities
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I'd like to hear the rest of this story.
At Work


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Not much to tell I was following a

friend and his family to the Sandy Beach area and lost him at a Stop light. As the light changed a police car pulled in right behind me and followed until we were heading towards that open part passed the town onto the highway and they pulled us over and signaled for me to get out of the car and then spoke in Spanish which I didn't know they laughed and then got mad because they wanted money I just didn't know how much thats when one pulled his gun the other looked at my kids and laughed I handed them $40.00 the guy with the gun tapped me on the shoulder and left. I left Mexico at that point.

Protect our borders and our communities


"In a nut shell, I didn't think you were responsible enough to react to it a rational manner. That could be why I didn't send it to you, but it's not."

Any questions?

Personally I like how you dismiss this official message because you basically asked everyone who you were circulating the email with "did you hear anything like this? No? Guess it's not true."

I think the U.S. consulate would have significantly better sources of accurate information than the RP rumor mill.

Your investigative journalism skills are as impressive as Russ' hyperbole.


Sub it is a little hard to believe a guy writing about this who calls himself "minuteman" Must be his wife's nickname for him!

I also think you misread Chapos role in the larger picture.He is the guy keeping things under control in our area of concern.He may even have a secret deal with the US to look for non- Latin foreigners coming up


Sub it is a little hard to believe a guy writing about this who calls himself "minuteman" Must be his wife's nickname for him!

I also think you misread Chapos role in the larger picture.He is the guy keeping things under control in our area of concern.He may even have a secret deal with the US to look for non- Latin foreigners coming up


My point is that 'minuteman' comment is no more valid or substantiated than anything posted here. He doesn't define when that occured.

BTW, just because I copy/paste something doesn't mean I'm endorsing it as fact or fiction.


look at the source; minuteman?
Police asking for Money?

Same fear mongering, that sells papers and gets viewers.
Remember that 90% of the old RP police force was fired.
Show me a link, source that this has happened, and not heresy.

I think it is time for you to change your sig. It is offensive.
Mutulated sexual organs? How about:

#911 NO, #066 YES, carry a phone for your protection.
You've never been asked for mordida from the Police?

Yes the truth can be offensive sometimes. 066? Who knows to dial that? Is someone going to speak English on the other end? Yeah, not comforting at all.


Dear Beachgirl,

the board isnt letting me PM u do the the fact I am new and havent posted 5 times !! I would really like to talk to you about the Fri morning thing from Tucson.....

mailto: azmakeupartist@yahoo.com


My point is that 'minuteman' comment is no more valid or substantiated than anything posted here. He doesn't define when that occured.

BTW, just because I copy/paste something doesn't mean I'm endorsing it as fact or fiction.
Then you probably should have mention to that effect, 'cause from your post about the minuteman it seems like you are with him more than trying to show a bad example of him and his stupid comments with out any real info!!
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