Unauthorized Checkpoints on 8 to Rocky Point

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Very true Kenny but i think things are getting spooky for non-combatants in other parts of the state.That story on the cops in Altar pisses me off.
Disappointed in me Sub!... Will sleep ever come to me tonight?:(
The bottom line is that we were right in thinking that the information was bogus, it is, even though it turns out to have come from a official source.


Exactly! I can understand not wanting your mother calling and trying to get you to cancel a trip but who cares if the general public won't come down? This whole thing is comical at best (but I can just see Russ and Bob firing off angry letters to the editor!) Oh boo hoo hoo the investors don't make any money, the mexicans don't get to charge us U.S. prices for beer. They'll move on to more fertile grounds like Cancun or Cabo. There will still be beachhouses to rent, fish in the sea, and La Curva for an Especial #2.

Tahiti is my paradise, but I don't want everybody going there. Next thing you know it will be Hawaii. Thank god Tahiti is too damn expensive and far for most people.
Going to the Cooks in July. Ever been there? I hear its a little more off the path.


Very true Kenny but i think things are getting spooky for non-combatants in other parts of the state.That story on the cops in Altar pisses me off.
As they have been for a long time now Jerry. If you remember the guy's on bloody decks have been posting for years now on how they've had to change the way, and time of day they travel down. Surfers getting ripped of at Rosarita, bass fisherman getting ripped off in the interior. The cop station shot up, and what, 6 killed at the Y last year, and on it go's.
I answered your email with a question.


Hey I don't worry to much about this stuff but the rp locals seem to have forgot to mention a few local events (the explosion at the fireworks stand and the gun battle between the mexican navy and 2 now dead narcos a few weeks ago.
It was just 1 person they killed and they caught the other guy. But at least we know that the marines are doing their jobs.


Hey y'all...I may be a little late on the uptake on this (or not), but here is some mixed (and somewhat better?) news, at least from a tourist's perspective:


Was especialy happy to see the following in the story:

The message also states some people who have not stopped at these unofficial checkpoints have been shot at and killed. We asked the U.S. State Department for more information on these killings. All they could say is they do not have any information regarding American citizens being injured.

So we called Rocky Points Director of International Relations and Tourism. Fausto Soto told us these reports are rumors. Soto says the state police, the federal attorney's office and the mayor's office have all investigated and found nothing.

"So far we have been trying to find out about this information and so far it's unfounded, it's untrue," Fausto Soto said.

The consulate's office first sent out this message to it's employees then released it to the general public because it could affect anyone.

Soto also told us the beach city is planning to have extra roadside assistance and patrols in the area during the busy Memorial Day weekend.

Missed the PHX story that Seaside posted about earlier today, but will keep and eye on the net for it.

Also, any word from Russ on the meeting earlier today?


Channel 5 News will be doing a live remote about the travel warning at the top of the 5:00 hour from our office. Check out KPHO news with an interview with Steve Schwab about the Travel Warning!

From Seaside Reservations
Missed this..anyone have a link? Searched KPHO's site and could not find it...just a link to the story they did yesterday ( I think?) re: the Sonora AD.

Just trying to seperate fact from fiction (or wishful thinking) and review all the info we can that seems applicable. Forewarned is forearmed, right?


Where have you been? I used to run into (what I assumed) was a military checkpoint almost every time I went down in the late 80's and 90's. It always scared the hell out of my wife. They always had a deuce and a half or a Humvee, M-60's and M-16's at the ready. These soldiers never spoke english but would make motions with their hands like they either were looking for pot or wanted pot I don't know. I noticed they would do a full search on Mexican vehicles.

These were either right outside of town or sometimes close to Sonoyta.
I've been around...I just keep quiet most of the time and stay out of the fray :-D. As for us, never ran into any ck points in the 80's or 90's, so were really surprised when we saw them on visits in 2008/2009! And I completely understand how she felt...freaked me out a bit, too...just not used to seeing that much firepower in one location, but we just came to expect it as the "way things are" south of the Border and choose to believe that their presence was helping to keep the bad guys away.

Happy the recap of our experience helped illustrate your experience, too! Still looking forward to going, but adopting a wait and see attitude at present...don't want to be all chicken little about this, just trying to be prudent and reasonably cautious.
Thanks colemanscottage...............I was just getting ready to report that KGUN9 reported at five, and will do so again at 10:00, that it is indeed rumors. End of story as far as I'm concerned. If anyone is still anxious about driving down, especially people new to the experience, and would like to caravan on Friday morning, let me know. We ain't ascared, but I know some people might be.....................and besides, what's the saying?? Safety in numbers or misery loves company or ???????..............................


Thanks Manny!

Also wanted to pass this along as well:

Watching Mike Watkis' report on Channel 3 (in Phoenix). Mike sounds tired (or weary) and they've got a statement by the Phoenix based AAA spokesperson, but no new info in this report.

So, on another note, what do y'all think about the Suns...even the president has some thoughts around this (LOL) so, GO SUNS!


Yep, that was me and my Washington clients, and I believe now, more than ever that the information given by the consulate? is not true!!
Channel 12 in PHX or Tucson?

Linky please?

Muchas Gracias!


Thanks colemanscottage...............I was just getting ready to report that KGUN9 reported at five, and will do so again at 10:00, that it is indeed rumors. End of story as far as I'm concerned. If anyone is still anxious about driving down, especially people new to the experience, and would like to caravan on Friday morning, let me know. We ain't ascared, but I know some people might be.....................and besides, what's the saying?? Safety in numbers or misery loves company or ???????..............................
So, the balance news is being reported! YAY!
Would love to see the KGUN9 story if anyone has that link as well...I'll also ck it out!

Re: the Caravan on Friday AM...would love to join y'all (always nice to make new friends!) but we're not going down this weekend. Safe travels and have fun (and a Sol) for me :-D.


Hi All,

New to forum but not to Rocky Point and would love to caravan if anyone is leaving from Tucson? Party includes, 1 Pregnant woman, 1 pregnant dog. 1 kid and another female , dont want to chance any additional hormonal stress....... We are a little to freaked out by all this crap but need to get our beach on !!! pls help !
Annoyingly mostly wrong!!!!you should be ashamed of yourself for continuing that bs in red at the bottom of your posts. Do you ever come actually here?
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