Stuart / Gout

On one of your earlier posts you mention buying Ritradol in Mexico for your gout.
Do you have any comparison with that and Allupurinol from the states? Another question is about any potential problem related to kidney failure issues. I am about 20% failure and need to be careful. Thanks
I just came across one of your posts on gout and you mentioned Indomethacine. That is bad stuff. When I was sent to my Kidney Dr. he told me that the kidney failure I have was directly related to the taking of the Indo. Just be aware and be careful


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I only take Allopurinol on a regular basis (daily). The indomethecine and Ritradol are only to help ease an attack. Both help break up the uric acid crystals. My doctor gave me something else called colchine, too, but it's actually a poison. Instructions say to take until the attack subsides or you get sick, whichever occurs first. Wonderful. I've been fortunate in managing the attacks and haven't had a severe one in over a year. Daily allopurinol is the key, and of course, diet. Yes, long term use on the Ritradol *will* cause kidney pain and issues. However, short use during an attack seems to be fine.
Colchicine - Extracted from the autumn crocus, also the source of safron, the pollen from the male parts of the flower. Used in minute quantities mainly to prevent gout attacks. Extremely toxic, producing symptoms similar to arsenic poisoning.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Gout medicine in Mexico...has anyone bought the new gout medicine Uloric in mexico?
The best gout medicine is a booze free, vegan lifestyle. Ever hear of dinasaurs getting gout?

Having a personal and family history of gout, I have tried most everything but the afore mentioned meds.
I have an intense dislike of medications and their afterglow. I have a couple friends who take a glass of cherry juice
each day and they swear by it. I myself take cherry fruit extract and while it doesn't completely stop an attack, it
makes it easier to get rid of it. When I stopped taking it, I had the last attack which was a severe as any I've ever had.

My son gets it much worse than I and he is on Alopurinol now. The problem with that drug is that if you take it during an
attack, it really magnifies the problem. I have so many aches and pains, I'm not really sure if I'm gout free at any one time.
During the last attack on my wrist and elbow, I had to go to urgent care and the doc extracted fluid from my elbow. It was
the grossest stuff I've seen for a long time. The doc looked at it and said yep, that's Uric Acid. He put me on some crazy drug called
Prednisone which sort of helped until I got a bloody nose and he switched me to Indo, which helped greatly. I only take it in
desperation and with a Pepcid AC to help the stomach.

I try to watch my diet and drinking and limit each unless I don't. I have tried to find a trigger for the flare ups but can't put my
finger on any one thing. I do know one thing that is paramount. WATER. You must stay well hydrated to keep away Gout Man.

OK guys any info is greatly appreciated.
The Endo. caused my Kidney failure. Now at between 35 and 50. I take 200 mg of allopurinol daily and have been free from any attacks for about 2 years.

The problem with drugs is that if you have to have one for a problem it makes another problem that may be worse than the first one.

El Gato

You mentioned not being able to pinpoint what triggers it. My DH suffers from it & is on Alopurinol, which helps, but over the years I've traced it down for him to stress. If he gets under severe stress about a week to two weeks later he will have a flare up Since it never happened immediately at the time of the stressful event, he didn't pay attention to my 'findings' - but then we started keeping notes. It never seemed to be related to what he ate or drank, although he does watch his diet.

The best gout medicine is a booze free, vegan lifestyle. Ever hear of dinasaurs getting gout?

Having a personal and family history of gout, I have tried most everything but the afore mentioned meds.
I have an intense dislike of medications and their afterglow. I have a couple friends who take a glass of cherry juice
each day and they swear by it. I myself take cherry fruit extract and while it doesn't completely stop an attack, it
makes it easier to get rid of it. When I stopped taking it, I had the last attack which was a severe as any I've ever had.

My son gets it much worse than I and he is on Alopurinol now. The problem with that drug is that if you take it during an
attack, it really magnifies the problem. I have so many aches and pains, I'm not really sure if I'm gout free at any one time.
During the last attack on my wrist and elbow, I had to go to urgent care and the doc extracted fluid from my elbow. It was
the grossest stuff I've seen for a long time. The doc looked at it and said yep, that's Uric Acid. He put me on some crazy drug called
Prednisone which sort of helped until I got a bloody nose and he switched me to Indo, which helped greatly. I only take it in
desperation and with a Pepcid AC to help the stomach.

I try to watch my diet and drinking and limit each unless I don't. I have tried to find a trigger for the flare ups but can't put my
finger on any one thing. I do know one thing that is paramount. WATER. You must stay well hydrated to keep away Gout Man.

OK guys any info is greatly appreciated.

GV Jack

Snorin God
The Endo. caused my Kidney failure. Now at between 35 and 50. I take 200 mg of allopurinol daily and have been free from any attacks for about 2 years.

The problem with drugs is that if you have to have one for a problem it makes another problem that may be worse than the first one.
I agree Bill. That's why I'm hesitant to take anything for it. Has the allopurinol caused any problems? And yep, I use the Indo sparingly. If I catch it
in time, early enough, one 25mg pills taken every 8 to 10 hours with usually two or three max will usually get it.

El Gato, I have never heard of the stress factor, but I certainly believe it. I know it contributes to many other maladies so that is a distinct possibility.

I appreciate all feedback. I hate walking around with that big beaker of green fluid.

El Gato

DH's doctor didn't believe in my stress theory, until I presented him with a diary of dates that I had been keeping - one being when he went in for hip replacement and both his knees had gout so badly that he couldn't walk and the prep nurse couldn't figure which he was in for. During the hip surgery they had to drain his knees as well.

So I try to keep the stress level down as much as possible - being here helps :) - once he got into the manana syndrome.

GV Jack

Snorin God
My husband had it, and I read about the cherry juice, so I bought some at 100% Trader Joes and added it to his iced tea- about quarter cherry juice 3/4 iced tea. The juice is 100% and it helped as he has not had a flare up in over 2 years. He drinks about 4-5 glasses of iced tea/day. We also cut down on red meat. Trader Joe's Just Cherry Juice Reviews & Ratings | GoodGuide

They also make this now but haven't tried it:
Trader Joe's
So basically he's drinking about 1 glass of 100% Cherry Juics per day.

Why not just drink the juice although I have heard that caffine is supposed to be good
for gout.

I'm afraid if I drank that much tea I would end up like the Lipton Indians who drowned in their teapee.

Sorry, some days I just can't help myself.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Yeah GV's a real funny guy till you get him behind the wheel of a vehicle in an urban setting, then WATCH OUT !
I should have called Rosie.

The best part was the Magistrate who told me he lived on Miracle Mile in Tucson for a couple years.

I asked him if he was a pimp there and he let out a huge laugh.

He said no, but there were a lot of them there.

Good guy, shook hands and said watch for the stop lights.

Nice of my buddy Roberto to give me screwy directions and then call the press to the station.

I think it was a set-up. Dee gave me perfect directions and voila, no tickies.

GV Jack

Snorin God
DH's doctor didn't believe in my stress theory, until I presented him with a diary of dates that I had been keeping - one being when he went in for hip replacement and both his knees had gout so badly that he couldn't walk and the prep nurse couldn't figure which he was in for. During the hip surgery they had to drain his knees as well.

So I try to keep the stress level down as much as possible - being here helps :) - once he got into the manana syndrome.
Another thought.

Shrimp is high in Purines. Purines cause Gout. I for one love to eat the shrimp when I'm down there.

A few years ago, I went crazy with them and ended up with a nasty flare up in my ankle. Now I

eat my favorite shrimp sparingly. I understand Scallops are even worse in Purines.

Gout in the knees is horrible. I sympathize with DH on that one. OUCHIE


The white knuckles started when you were staring at a part of one of the girl's anatomy as I recall. Besides we did not get arrested.