Gout medicine in Mexico...has anyone bought the new gout medicine Uloric in mexico?
The best gout medicine is a booze free, vegan lifestyle. Ever hear of dinasaurs getting gout?
Having a personal and family history of gout, I have tried most everything but the afore mentioned meds.
I have an intense dislike of medications and their afterglow. I have a couple friends who take a glass of cherry juice
each day and they swear by it. I myself take cherry fruit extract and while it doesn't completely stop an attack, it
makes it easier to get rid of it. When I stopped taking it, I had the last attack which was a severe as any I've ever had.
My son gets it much worse than I and he is on Alopurinol now. The problem with that drug is that if you take it during an
attack, it really magnifies the problem. I have so many aches and pains, I'm not really sure if I'm gout free at any one time.
During the last attack on my wrist and elbow, I had to go to urgent care and the doc extracted fluid from my elbow. It was
the grossest stuff I've seen for a long time. The doc looked at it and said yep, that's Uric Acid. He put me on some crazy drug called
Prednisone which sort of helped until I got a bloody nose and he switched me to Indo, which helped greatly. I only take it in
desperation and with a Pepcid AC to help the stomach.
I try to watch my diet and drinking and limit each unless I don't. I have tried to find a trigger for the flare ups but can't put my
finger on any one thing. I do know one thing that is paramount. WATER. You must stay well hydrated to keep away Gout Man.
OK guys any info is greatly appreciated.