Puerto Penasco shutting down. What have you heard?


Steve, I saw they got your brother on drug conspiracy charges. $15 million reward... He really fucked that one up. Steve, I will bet you a hundred dollars he loses. Let me know when you want to put up the money. America is over this joke. He got a lot of centrist support before and those people are not idiots just a little on the fence. Nobody can blame someone for that but you can't bullshit people for 4 years about what you're going to give them and think they haven't realized they got duped. To think that Trump was going to be the poor man, the working man's savior was a joke from the start but people that are in dire situations believe false hope far more than people that are not.
From the incredibly bias, leftist “journalist” (Joe’s favorite word) Andrea Mitchell :



I thought you were dead set on the no politics deal Larry. What do you think Larry, should I complain? How many times have you complained about a post just like yours? Is there a name for that?
Absolutely Kenny , you definitely should complain. I was actually wondering why you hadn’t started whining yet ? ?

Sorry Kenneth, in my weakness, I replied to Joe.

Hopefully I didn’t LOSE MY MIND like you guys do so often.

I think sometimes I hold back,
for humanitarian purposes, because I would hate to have something common sense and factual-based I pooposed, cause you guys to lose your absolute gourds and have a brain hemorrhage or a heart attack.


All is good.
It’s OK to start complaining Kenny, if it makes you feel better.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This is the kind of bullshit that Iggy and Steve and Larry repeatedly flock to and drool over... wtf is wrong with people. 1.5 million people are now passing this shit around MOUTHBREATHING.


Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I better one is the conspiracy theory being passed around on Russiabook about Bill Gates and Obama creating the virus in a lab in North Carolina University and then something about China and bla bla bla. How do ridiculous stories like this get traction? They are for the mentally insane. You start reading this shit and you ask yourself how can anyone be this jaded? It's like the dumb ass people that tell me GWB was the one that ordered the towers to be brought down and bla bla bla, building 7 didn't fall right and they saw a documentary on Netflix... I certainly wasn't a fan of GWB but believing an American president would attack his own country is downright UNAMERICAN and now you've just allowed yourself to believe in alternate reality, also known as make believe.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Conspiracy theories are a thin red line. They are fascinating I will give you that. However, once you allow yourself to believe a narrative that has not been factually proven you have just allowed yourself to create a false reality, a bubble around yourself. Much more susceptible to believing more conspiracy theories in the future, no matter how outlandish and unfounded they are. Where do these "theories" originate from? Obviously we know factually that Russia propagates misinformation to be spread domestically inside the US to sow discord to create the US v THEM mentality.

Motive really will tell you a lot about a situation or a person when you start asking what the END GAME is.

There is motive to spread misinformation. Now ask yourself who is going to benefit from misinformation. The level of political polarity in this country comes directly from the spread of misinformation over the last 10 years or so.

I know left leaning people that believe in conspiracy theories too. Guy at work, 30 yr old Mexican American, college educated, otherwise seemingly knowledgeable and normal person telling me that I need to check up on this shit about George W Bush... This weekend, one of my good friends told me to "go down the rabbit hole" with this Tom Hanks, hillary clinton, pizzagate pedophile bullshit that has been proven to be false 9 million times over... Otherwise a normal guy, Pry leans right but not Hannity right however, somehow got onto this bullshit and now thinks he's WOKE to the truth. I'm like nah man, I'm good. I live in reality.


Could I possibly hijack this thread back to the original question?
Wondering if their closures are similar to ours or more severe. I hope the municipal police in Sonoyta have closed shop also.
Anyone down there got firsthand experience on how it has changed with the virus?


Lovin it in RP!
Could I possibly hijack this thread back to the original question?
Wondering if their closures are similar to ours or more severe. I hope the municipal police in Sonoyta have closed shop also.
Anyone down there got firsthand experience on how it has changed with the virus?
These people are taking this very seriously. 2 weeks in quarantine for us..most business's shut down..curfew from 10 to 6..no open beaches..now just heard the Port Captain has issued a Mandatory no tourist fishing no tourist boats in the water order. Fishermen who bring in food for Peñasco are exempt I just heard at 545 Sunday as they are considered essential.
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