From the incredibly bias, leftist “journalist” (Joe’s favorite word) Andrea Mitchell :Steve, I saw they got your brother on drug conspiracy charges. $15 million reward... He really fucked that one up. Steve, I will bet you a hundred dollars he loses. Let me know when you want to put up the money. America is over this joke. He got a lot of centrist support before and those people are not idiots just a little on the fence. Nobody can blame someone for that but you can't bullshit people for 4 years about what you're going to give them and think they haven't realized they got duped. To think that Trump was going to be the poor man, the working man's savior was a joke from the start but people that are in dire situations believe false hope far more than people that are not.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Shocked By Trump's High Coronavirus Approval Polls: 'People Seem to Be Seeing Him as a Leader'
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell was shocked to see that President Donald Trump currently has a high approval rating during the coronavirus crisis, remarking "No matter what he says, people seem to be seeing him as a leader."