ProAlliance Insurance

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I remember the story with pics Kenny wrote on here when he rammed a truck and they had the beachboy and him at Y greca jail, this must of been another adventure.
Only one dog and I didn't have insurance from Rosie on that particular trip. My agent made a quick trip down from Caborca and everything went great. A $25 dollar fine and a little money to the cop for the use of his cell phone after the fine was paid at the station, not before.
It's a wonder he can remember his own name!


PIF Puerto Peñasco
What???? I remember you from a while ago. sorry my friend, I have had members on this forum visit one of my offices in northern arizona.
The developers did rip off owners at Las Palomas... what's your question?
My 2 units are for sale at Las Palomas, so I won't enjoy it as much.

Developers did rip off owners a

dry heat said in earlier post he own no property in Mexico? just had auto insurance? now he has 2? Reviews his fabrications?
What ever happened to the concern over the lack of payment and canceled policies without the owners knowledge? I have yet to know what really happened for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 policies that I paid for. Seems like now this thread has ended up like so many in the past.


Regardless of what insurer yu pick skip the vacation home insurance...sort of a suckers game anyway and put the premium money on the Redskins plus points on Monday Night Football.
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Mrs Rosie was quite defensive in her posts 389 and 396.
My last post was 384. Since then I have still not rec'd any info that I have the insurance I paid Mrs Rosie for. So far everyone at the Insurance companies I called says they are confused about the policy number I gave them, and they are looking into it.
I want to take my 3 boys to Rocky Point for Thanksgiving, but I'm afraid if I don't have any insurance for my car.
I thought Mrs Rosie would have explained about all the no paid policies and the fake policies by now. Please, Mrs Rosie, tell us immediately non of this is true and we all have real insurance.
Mrs Rosie was quite defensive in her posts 389 and 396.
My last post was 384. Since then I have still not rec'd any info that I have the insurance I paid Mrs Rosie for. So far everyone at the Insurance companies I called says they are confused about the policy number I gave them, and they are looking into it.
I want to take my 3 boys to Rocky Point for Thanksgiving, but I'm afraid if I don't have any insurance for my car.
I thought Mrs Rosie would have explained about all the no paid policies and the fake policies by now. Please, Mrs Rosie, tell us immediately non of this is true and we all have real insurance.
Again, I am calling you out as a liar. They responded when FatBoy called, yet you can't get confirmation?


Yeah, but you forgot to mention they should report back to this forum with the findings...
I have not been able to verify my DL policy. I have called the company and they indicate that their policy numbers do not have a numbering sequence as shown on the paperwork in my possession. They are also unable to pull up any policy by my name. I am not stating that there is not a policy, but it does concern me that they are unable to find me in their system and that this is the toll-free number I am provided to call in the event of an emergency or claim.


If you are reporting something negative can you provide please more detailed information? Who is the agent, what Insurance Company and then i.e. I called (number) on (date) I talked to (name) about (what type of policy) and then what did they say. Providing that information helps me (us) to believe there is merit to your post. I (we) do want to know if there is a problem.

Its way too easy to post wrong, inaccurate and totally factious information that that not only hurts someone’s business but affects all of us who have policies and are trying to figure out the truth.


El Pirata
What ever happened to the concern over the lack of payment and canceled policies without the owners knowledge? I have yet to know what really happened for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 policies that I paid for. Seems like now this thread has ended up like so many in the past.
Were your concerns addressed or are you still in limbo? Don't understand how others did not have insurance on there condo and come to find out on here that it was cancelled and they're fine with that. I know a few of these people are joined at the hip with P/A, Hope the truth comes out and it ends.


Were your concerns addressed or are you still in limbo? Don't understand how others did not have insurance on there condo and come to find out on here that it was cancelled and they're fine with that. I know a few of these people are joined at the hip with P/A, Hope the truth comes out and it ends.
I don't know anyone that said they were fine with it, I'm certainly not. I'm just allowing a company that has always treated me fairly a chance to work through this.


So your policy was cancelled for about a year and they treated you fairly?
Thanks for caring enough about me to question if I am being treated fairly. The answer is yes, many times in the past I was treated fairly. To keep from repeating myself see my post #195. In business and in life things happen, sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes others make mistakes that you are answerable for. All a person can do is accept responsibly and make it right. Again I'm not giving P/A a pass, this is far from over but I am giving sometime for the facts to be gathered and an explanation on what happened.


El Pirata
Thanks for caring enough about me to question if I am being treated fairly. The answer is yes, many times in the past I was treated fairly. To keep from repeating myself see my post #195. In business and in life things happen, sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes others make mistakes that you are answerable for. All a person can do is accept responsibly and make it right. Again I'm not giving P/A a pass, this is far from over but I am giving sometime for the facts to be gathered and an explanation on what happened.
I think I'm done for today Dan, see you tomorrow.


If you are reporting something negative can you provide please more detailed information? Who is the agent, what Insurance Company and then i.e. I called (number) on (date) I talked to (name) about (what type of policy) and then what did they say. Providing that information helps me (us) to believe there is merit to your post. I (we) do want to know if there is a problem.

Its way too easy to post wrong, inaccurate and totally factious information that that not only hurts someone’s business but affects all of us who have policies and are trying to figure out the truth.
I am not reporting anything negative. The post was a response to Rosy stating that there were no known issues with a DL policy. I called the insurance company (GNP Seguros) named on my DL policy at their toll-free Mexican number (01-800-026-5110) and was advised that they are unable to find a policy with my name. The policy in my possession has both a master number and a policy number. The agent on the phone indicated that the policy number I provided was not a sequence of numbers they are familiar with. I asked them to search the database by name and they were unable to find a policy with my name. They continued to ask for my car's VIN number to which I repeatedly explained that this was a DL policy. In the end they said they do not issue DL policies.

I am not suggesting anything by this information other than asking Rosy to address it.There may be a legitimate reason for this but I felt it is important to address it as I don't want to be having this argument with an insurance company AFTER having an accident. I am not jumping to any conclusions other than addressing her earlier post regarding existing DL policies.
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