You'll probably have to log on to FB to see this. His comment is: "Arranca la pavimentación en el puerto!! "modernización y elegancia" que tal?!"
Which translates, probably poorly, to: "Start paving the port! "modernization and elegance" what?!"
I heard Rosie briefly mention it on the Rocky Point Ramblings show this weekend, and it was promised by officials that it'd be done before the upcoming holiday weekend... Uh, sure. Can someone else chime in on this? I can't believe there would be no access to the Malecon and all the businesses during the weekend. That's a long walk if you have children and/or the elderly with you. And a helluva long walk back with a buzz for anyone!
You'll probably have to log on to FB to see this. His comment is: "Arranca la pavimentación en el puerto!! "modernización y elegancia" que tal?!"
Which translates, probably poorly, to: "Start paving the port! "modernization and elegance" what?!"
I heard Rosie briefly mention it on the Rocky Point Ramblings show this weekend, and it was promised by officials that it'd be done before the upcoming holiday weekend... Uh, sure. Can someone else chime in on this? I can't believe there would be no access to the Malecon and all the businesses during the weekend. That's a long walk if you have children and/or the elderly with you. And a helluva long walk back with a buzz for anyone!