Joke Thread...


El Pirata
Llegan un hindu, un judio y un chilango a un hotel y
piden un cuarto para tres.
El encargado les dice:

Solo me queda un cuarto, pero es para dos, pero si no
les incomoda tengo
espacio en el establo para uno se duerma ahi.

Los tres individuos deciden tomar el cuarto y en eso dice
el hindu:

"Si quieren, yo me voy a dormir al establo y ustedes
duermen en el cuarto."

A los cinco
minutos tocan a la puerta del cuarto:

"Quien es?"

"Soy el hindu, lo que pasa es que en el establo hay
una vaca y como es un animal sagrado para
nosotros, no puedo dormir donde duerme una vaca.

" En eso el judio dice:" No se preocupen,si
quieren,yo me duermo en el establo.

" A los cinco minutos tocan a la puerta del cuarto:

"Quien es?"

"Soy el judio, lo que pasa es que en el establo hay un
y es un animal desagradable para nosotros,
no puedo dormir donde duerme un cerdo.

" En eso el chilango dice:

"No se preocupen, yo me ire a dormir al

A los cinco minutos tocan a la puerta:

" Quien es?"

"Somos la vaca y el



Besides that it's kind of a dumb joke. Cows and pigs don't speak Spanish, nor are they afflicted with prejudices like we humans. Ha, ha, ha.

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Joke Thread - Babel Fish Translation to English!

They arrive a Hindu, a Jew and chilango to a hotel and they request a quarter for three. The one in charge says to them: I only have left a quarter, but she is for two, but she does not inconvenience to them I have space in the stable for one falls asleep there. The three individuals decide to take the quarter and in that it says the Hindu: " If they want, I am going away to sleep to the stable and you sleep in cuarto." To the five minutes touch to the door of the quarter: " Who is? " " I am the Hindu, which happens is that in the stable there is a cow and as is a sacred animal stops we, cannot sleep where to duer a cow. " In that the Jew says: " They do not worry, if they want, I I fall asleep in the stable. " To the five minutes they touch to the door of the quarter: " Who is? " " I am the Jew, which happens is that in the stable there is a pig and it is a disagreeable animal for us, I cannot sleep where to duer a pig. " In that chilango says: " They do not worry, I ire to fall asleep to establo." To the five minutes they touch to the door: " Who is? " " We are the cow and pig, NO MAMEN."


The pig and the cow don't want to sleep with the Mexican... Gee:roll:, how did I know that a joke thread just might not be such a good idea:idea:
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Lady, I agree. I guess that I get it but naaaa. I don't mean to start any troubles here but a better recent joke is: When Farrah got to the pearly gates God asked her if there was anything he could do for her here on earth. She said "just protect the children"... So God took Michael Jackson. sorry sorry sorry. I know that I will pay for that one.


In Waukegan Illinois the third person would be Polish, in Nome, Alaska, Eskimo, in Lake County, Oregon, Irish... and on and on. The humor of it escapes me also. It's a sociological concept. Maybe something is lost in translation.
Wow! That is kind of sick, Jim.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
The last 2 words, no mamen, translate to something that makes NO sense in this joke. It's kind of vulgar and I can't connect it with this joke. Somebody PM me with the answer.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
And Jim, Michael Jackson was a good talent but a tortured and miserable person. I can't imagine having 500 million in debt, I was horrified at 43 thousand. And anyone that molests a child.......If that's true, it probably is, he is better off dead. A loss for music but protection for children..... I'm off to fight my battle with the State dept. Wish me luck!


I know. I heard it in the bar today and could not help passing it on. NO mal intent. Next time I will restrain myself.
Hey Jim, anything special going on Thur/Fri night at the CTC, before the town dries up, so to speak? I visited the bar at like 2am the Monday night (Tue morn) after the Circus Mexicus show this month but you had left hours earlier. Or were resting up from the big weekend.
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User is currently banned
Jim, ~~~ You will ~~~ BURN ~~~ for that one, ~~~ BURN baby BURN, ~~~ Hell even Sally doesn't get that heavy, ~~~ BURN baby BURN, ~~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:


A lawyer dies and he goes to Heaven. He is met at the pearly gates by St. Peter along with others who died at the same time, one of whom was a Catholic Pope. St. Peter welcomes them to heaven and they all get on a bus that will take them to a house where they will stay in Heaven. The bus stops at a small modest home and St. Peter tells the Pope that he will be staying in that house. They continue and stop at a grand mansion and St. Pete tells the lawyer that it was where he would be staying. The lawyer says " There must be some mistake, the Pope got a much smaller home than me, I don't understand. St. Pete says "Well, we have every Pope that ever lived here in Heaven but you are the only LAWYER.
God Creates the Dog

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica] On the first day of creation, God created the dog.

[/FONT] [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the second day, God created man to serve the dog.[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the third day, God created all the animals of the earth to serve as potential food for the dog.[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could labor for the good of the dog.[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the fifth day, God created the tennis ball so that the dog might or might not retrieve it.[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the dog healthy and the man broke[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but He had to walk the dog. [/FONT]