Jet Purple Flights from Scottsdale to Penasco - Need Feedback

El Gato

Jet Purple flights from Scottsdale to Penasco - need some feedback. If priced reasonably would you, family, friends be interested in a one hour flight from Scottsdale to Penasco? A 10 pack (10 one way tickets) would cost ~$1000 and could be used by anyone. Check out the purple jets at Home



I would be interested depending on the days of the week and times that they fly and availability of onsite parking in Scottsdale.


It's been years since I've been to Scottsdale Airport but I know they used to have free parking. And yes, I agree with Miakko regarding times of departure. It would be a great option for a weekend getaway, especially at $200 RT. That being said, is it even possible to operate a flight at those rates?

El Gato

My understanding is that there is still free parking at Scottsdale Airport. Also has customs clearance - because it is small they figure you would need to be there 15 minutes before the flight. Think they are thinking 2 times a week - at least at first - would be a long weekend. Thinking is if they can basically fill the plane with lower fares - rather then a few people at higher fares - it is a viable enterprise, especially at such a short hop. They are also thinking of working with a shuttle service from Sky Harbor - which would be great for our out of town kids! We already have two groups of them planning for October.

If Jet Purple had been flying now Ladyjeeper could have made it down in comfort! Especially on major holidays the idea of missing the long waits at the border sounds good for our AZ Grandkids.

El Gato

Meant to add that according to their site info you get 2 bags free - 3rd at $15 and over weight at $25. Small pets in a carrier that fits under the seat fly free.

They are working on all the details - especially trying to find out if people would support them. Will update as I hear more.


At those rates, I don't think they would have a problem filling up a flight for a holiday weekend... Of course I still don't see how it's feasible at $200 RT


I live in the southeast valley. It would take me an hour to get to the airport, parked & in the terminal. Need to be an hour early, so another hour. Another hour flight time, and most likely another hour getting out of the Penasco airport by cab and getting to town. $200 for airfare plus the cost of cabs. Usually I travel with other family members, so $200 becomes $400 or $600. Makes more sense to me to drive like I always have.

El Gato

I live in the southeast valley. It would take me an hour to get to the airport, parked & in the terminal. Need to be an hour early, so another hour. Another hour flight time, and most likely another hour getting out of the Penasco airport by cab and getting to town. $200 for airfare plus the cost of cabs. Usually I travel with other family members, so $200 becomes $400 or $600. Makes more sense to me to drive like I always have.
Obviously wouldn't work for everyone - value would be for those traveling alone or as a couple or for those who don't want to make the drive. Not sure how many that would be. Understand that you only have to arrive about 15 minutes before flight time - at least at this point in time.
Would work for me. I went to their website and posted that I would definitely be interested depending upon the flight schedule. Used to fly on the old Great Lakes airline out of Sky Harbor years ago and was sad when they shut it down.
I am VERY interested because I took a shuttle from PP to Phoenix Sky Harbor and it was a HUGE hassle going and coming. And coming back I had to pay a taxi $30 to take me to the shuttle and it was another $50! On the way up, the shuttle had a flat in the desert with no was like a bad movie! My car has Mexican plates so I don't want to leave it in long term parking and pay for daily insurance...So yeah- I'm interested! (I want to go to San Francisco)