So here's a new one. I went to a charity gala last night. I was talking with a co-worker's husband and my co-worker mentioned to her husband how much I love to go to RP. He said, "You still go there?" and I said, "Of course I do, no reason not to." I figured I was going to get the standard Mexico is violent response, but he replied, "I stopped going there after they shot and killed the Mayor." I said, "WHAT??????" He swore to me that he knew for a fact that the Mayor was shot and killed last year. I told him that it wasn't true and it was obviously just a rumor and he argued with me the he knew it for a fact. I said, "How do you know it really happened, did you go to his funeral?" Blah, blah, blah, it went on and on about how "his friend" knows someone who told him, blah, blah, blah.
We were at Casino Arizona Talking Stick, so I told him that even though I hate gambling, I'd go to the cash machine right then and there and take out whatever my cash limit for the day was and make the best bet that anyone in the entire casino was going to make EVER and bet him that he was WRONG. He wouldn't take the bet.
You just can't make this stuff up!
We were at Casino Arizona Talking Stick, so I told him that even though I hate gambling, I'd go to the cash machine right then and there and take out whatever my cash limit for the day was and make the best bet that anyone in the entire casino was going to make EVER and bet him that he was WRONG. He wouldn't take the bet.
You just can't make this stuff up!