


I have heard that because of the truckers crossing the border for fuel, they are running out of diesel alot. Can anyone tell me if there is diesel in RP? Is there one station that is cheaper than others? I just bought a diesel and need some info on diesel in RP.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I've never had any problem with getting diesel in Mexico. Anywhere. It's cheaper than gas. The price is standardized (supposedly), so there isn't going to be a big difference in price no matter where you buy it. I tend to fill up at the Circle K in Sonoyta when I cross into and out of Mexico. They get a fair amount of traffic, so the diesel is fresh. The price is currently about 6.7 pesos a liter everywhere when I was driving to and from Sam Carlos last week. That's roughly $2.50 a gallon, about 1/2 of what we're paying here.

Is your diesel brand new? If so, it requires ULSD, which is all that is sold in the U.S. now. Mexico doesn't have that requirement, so if your truck is brand new, you risk voiding the warranty by running Pemex diesel in it. The Pemex fuel itself, however, is excellent quality. My 7.3 F-250 loves the stuff and has only had a tank or two of U.S. diesel in the past few years. I paid $113 to fill it up here before we left on our trip (it had a 1/4 tank), then never paid more than $50 to fill it up the whole time we were in Mexico!


Thanks Stuart! I bought a 2004 F250 crew. So I assume the diesel would be fine. Ive never owned a diesel before so I am learning. I intend to have a spare tank installed to "load up" on diesel while im down there. Do you know any good places to buy extra tanks here in the valley?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
There is an outfit in Mesa that does it, but I don't know the name off-hand. Transfer Flow Technologies offers replacement tanks that fit where your current tank goes that nearly double your capacity. I'm going that route, it's around $600-$700 and would pay for itself in just a few trips, given current diesel prices. You can Google them to find more info on their products. My 2001 F-250 Crew has a 28 gallon tank stock; you're probably the same. The Transfer Flow replacement increases capacity to 46 gallons. Even towing, that would give me enough range to fill up in Sonoyta and make it back! Screw these high U.S. diesel prices! :x

Submarine on this forum may chime in; I think he knows who installs these in Mesa.


I was also thinking about those bed tanks that have the tool box on top. Then id have room for my crap also


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Don't go that route. The Mexicans have a muy giganto problem with auxillary tanks. They do not want you bringing any fuel over the border (which is insane right now anyway because who would bring $4+ a gallon gas when it's half that there? Kind of like bringing sand to the beach!).

The tank I described above is a complete replacement of your existing tank and would never be questioned.

My friend Audi had a big aux tank in the bed of his pick-up, like a 100 gallons. He used to fill it here, then fill his boat with it down there. They turned him around at the border. He sat in the parking lot at Gringo Pass and sold it to anyone who wanted it for a buck a gallon just so he could get over the border.

So... just keep that in mind. No problem taking it into Mexico empty and bringing it back full, though.


no problem there. I have no intention of smuggling $4.69 fuel into a place where its $2.65! lol How do they check your tank to make sure its empty?
I just bought diesel last week when I got down to RP....and it was still 5.8x pesos per liter. Sounds like the border towns are charging more. When I asked at a couple of the stations here in RP, they all had diesel.

The only problem I've had is getting some water in the fuel, and I've filled up at the station as you're leaving town(right before the airport). As someone else posted, if you have a 2007 and newer, You'll have problems with your warrantee if something goes wrong, like potentially problems with some of the sensors on the new ULSD diesel vehicles.

I've been picking up about 50 extra gallons every trip down here...have a racing fuel barrel I bring along, and have been hassled a couple of times by US Customs.
what station did you get your deisel in RP?
I've been getting it at the first Pemex as you come in to town....out by the airport. I also checked at the one on Fremont, by Reggie's, and they also indicated they had diesel last weekend.


If anyone knows a good place to get an auxiliary bed tank, let me know! Would like to have it in before next weekend.

AZ Miguel

I've also been hassled by Customs when returning with my tank in the back filled. They act as if it's going to destroy our nation. I know they have a job to do and I respect that but when I'm not doing anything illegal and I have to to give them the stare like: what the #$%^% do you idiots want? then it gets annoying and they let me go. Do you have to declare fuel when coming back into the US as long as its less the amount alloted? They said I was only permited to cross once every 30 days with fuel?


what is the alloted amount of fuel? I was going to get a 100 gallon auxiliary tank



Superduty HQ at Cooper and Baseline will install, but I don't mind helping if you'd like to go the DIY route. It's not hard at all, you just need a floor jack and some time. If I didn't need my bed I would do the replacement tank and the toolbox tank, but the replacement is easier and cheaper. 46 gallons gives me about a 700 mile range.

If customs is harassing us for fuel we need to start complaining. I can see if we are hauling an empty tanker truck down but no one is filling up more than they can use. If they want us to pay the 18.6 cent per gallon diesel fuel tax that would be fine (but still stupid). Anyone hassled should be asking what US Code or regulation that falls under because I haven't found anything.

I've been using the Transferflow tank for over 3 years with no issues. A nice side benefit is if someone wants to drill your tank (which I still think is pretty rare), it's all metal, not plastic, so go for it!

Just had to top off my truck with US diesel for the first time this year yesterday. $140 for 2/3 tank no thanks! I guess I'll be doing more Mexico travel until this fuel situation comes back to reality.


Just went to their they are "twice" as much as quality bumper for the same thing!


who Superduty HQ? When I was looking, they wanted about the same for the tank itself, a couple hundred to install it. They do some nice work though. I'm not a huge fan of Quality Bumper, they were way too expensive when I was looking for nerf bars. But yeah, shop around.
Diesel in RP this past weekend....5.91 pesos per liter (3.785 liters/gallon) at the station on Fremont by Reggies....but would up paying $38 taxes/service charges at the border to ADOT for 50 gallons....read the story below!!!!

OK....just got back from RP....picked up 50 gallons in a racing fuel barrel that I've been using for over a year. Got sent over to the inspection area by the Customs people...where I was checked by the ADOT people.....wound up having to pay a $25 Service charge plus 26 cents per gallon TAX....I got a bit hot under the collar with them, and demanded the ARS that applied...which after a bit of time they provided (the cite, but didn't give me a hard copy.....I was able to read part of the applicable document from their copy).....which I plan to read in detail when I get it online.

The gist of it is....ADOT is cracking down. They have an agreement with Customs to have anyone coming across with fuel sent over to the inspection area....IF....and here's the big IF....if there is space(4 stations at Lukeville)....or if there is an ADOT person on duty there (I missed that by aabout 1 hour...when they were supposed to end their shift). The ADOT people are going to zap us 100% if we are sent over there. They also told me essentially that if I bring back any kind of fuel containers with fuel in them (even gas), I will get charged with the tax.....this applies to those of us who bring any kind of toys down there (jetskis, quads) and have fuel jugs....even if it's fuel we may have bought in the US, but didn't use down there. I was lucky I didn't fill my 3 empty jugs from the jetskis..,..would have paid the tax on that fuel.

Essentially....the state wants their pound of flesh from us....called taxes!!![/size]

Just an additional bit of info....the quick look I had of the ARS...it appears that any extra "built in" fuel tanks (like in the truck bed)...or larger than "stock" tanks might be taxable...although I got differing opinions from the ADOT people. Mine comes with a 35 gallon tank, so anything over might be a problem...although I don't know how they could measure what I had if it was installed under the truck.

When I get a copy of the ARS...I'll either post a link, or just give the citation so that everyone can read it for themselves.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Interesting. It's always been my understanding that Customs in Arizona in not authorized to collect duties. I've been told this by the Customs themselves when I had an extra bottle of two or liquor. They can confiscate, or let you go, but they have no power (or mechanism) to collect duties on any overages.

ADOT is obviously a whole different organization. What you describe borders on ridiculous. The "Average Joe" bringing back a couple of cans/jugs of fuel with their jetskis or off-road vehicles is extremely common. Having to pay taxes and surcharges on this is insane! I mean, I can see it if you were importing a tanker truck of fuel. But anything under 50 gallons is but a drop in the bucket, so to speak. I guess the 20% drop in AZ tax revenue is hurting the state more than we know and they're going to try to make up every penny of it in every way they can. :roll:

I tow a boat with a 250 gallon capacity and nobody has ever asked me how much fuel is in it. Maybe because the tanks are physically part of the boat and not "loose" or auxillary. But what's to stop me from filling it to the top in Sonoyta and towing it home, then using that gas for my car? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except that I hate towing it full because it's like a bloated whale on the trailer with all that extra weight.

Time for the TransferFlow tank. Like I said earlier, if it appears to be original factory equipment (not aftermarket or an accessory), you shouldn't have problems going either way over the border. Sub - I may contact you for assistance. I'm sure it's not that hard to do, but looks to be a two man job anyway. I'll buy the beer! Let me see how much shipping is versus SuperDuty HQ's installed price.


It's definitely a two man job. My garage is evap-cooled so if you truck is under 6' tall we can do it in there.

Now I can understand the Federal government trying to collect import duties, but the State? Since when does the state have authority to control customs? That should be a federal authority only. I smell a rat and a big fat lawsuit. Time to start bringing video cameras to the border and documenting what they are doing.

ARS online: http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ArizonaRevisedStatutes.asp

Well I've tried calling a few DHS numbers but no one is answering. I don't see how this wouldn't qualify under your $400 exemption and Federal law should pre-empt the State from employing any officers at the border.