


rockyptjoe said:
Thanks Sub.....now ADOT (and Customs) will probably have my photo up and I'll get pulled over each time I cross! :roll: :twisted: I guess I'll just call the Customs office at Lukeville on the way home, and if ADOT is still on duty, I'll stop in Sonoyta and have something to eat!

I was somewhat disappointed in Harper's take on the issue (on the newscast)....at the end agreeing that it was partly a safety issue. If that's the case, ADOT should outlaw any fuel containers.

Also, those of you considering adding tanks in the bed of your truck, or increasing the size of your stock tank, ADOT could begin hitting you too. The ARS addresses that issue...and you are considered importing fuel if you have anything larger then a "stock" tank. Pretty soon, they'll be putting the vehicles up on the lift at the border and checking to see if you have a larger tank!
Hah! You've been a target since you started bringing that big blue fuel drum!
I didn't get to see the newscast but I was pretty disappointed too. I'm going to call that ADOT spokeswoman and ask "So since fuel containers must be D.O.T. approved, how is putting fuel in them a safety issue? And if it is, my fuel tank has a D.O.T. approval number also, so is it unsafe? Can I sue the D.O.T. for approving an unsafe fuel tank then?" If I get through I'll report the answers.

Maybe we should organize a protest where we dump our fuel if they pull us over to tax us. At ~$2/gallon I wouldn't mind dumping 10 gallons to prove a point. Then I'll take up smoking.


Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't we allowed to bring in a certain amount of fuel from Mexico?? If ADOT is pulling this crap what's going to happen next?? Are the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms people going to start pulling us over as we cross the border and charging us taxes and surcharges on our Duty Free alcohol??


Well that's the problem and I was hoping that Channel 3 would address it. Generally, you are allowed $400 in exemptions, so fuel would easily fall under that threshold. However, that's the Federal Gov'ts limit and the Constitution gives all power to control the borders to the Federal Government. So as I see it, ADOT is acting like another Port of Entry which should be illegal.

As an example, you know how Mexican's can obtain a visa or visitors permit (not sure what they call it) to legally enter the U.S. for a limited time, usually to shop or whatever. What if Arizona decided to close the State to all Mexican visitors, or to require a $2500 per person deposit or something? Imagine the outcry and chaos if each border state adopted their own entry requirements from the Mexican or Canadian border, or even California from LAX etc.

Now I see a gray area if they establish an inspection point maybe 20 miles inland or something to look for 'illegal' fuel, but using the U.S. Port of Entry, which is Federal Property, to conduct such inspections and tax collection seems like a gross violation of the Constitution.
Submarine said:
Well that's the problem and I was hoping that Channel 3 would address it. Generally, you are allowed $400 in exemptions, so fuel would easily fall under that threshold. However, that's the Federal Gov'ts limit and the Constitution gives all power to control the borders to the Federal Government. So as I see it, ADOT is acting like another Port of Entry which should be illegal.

As an example, you know how Mexican's can obtain a visa or visitors permit (not sure what they call it) to legally enter the U.S. for a limited time, usually to shop or whatever. What if Arizona decided to close the State to all Mexican visitors, or to require a $2500 per person deposit or something? Imagine the outcry and chaos if each border state adopted their own entry requirements from the Mexican or Canadian border, or even California from LAX etc.

Now I see a gray area if they establish an inspection point maybe 20 miles inland or something to look for 'illegal' fuel, but using the U.S. Port of Entry, which is Federal Property, to conduct such inspections and tax collection seems like a gross violation of the Constitution.
Who wants to hire an attorney to attack the "constitutionality" of what ADOT is doing????


My attorney fund is tapped out at the momemt and the ACLU is busy. :)

AZ Miguel

I believe that ADOT should be concerned with safety as when it comes to transporting fuel in an unsecured 55 gallon drum in the back of a half ton pickup, conducting tax collection does not resolve the safety issue. The state should operate a port of entry entering the state for commercial vehicles at Lukeville just as the do at every entry point into the state, I'm not knowledgeable as to if they already do this. However at all the other point of entries into the stat from other states it's for the purpose of commercial vehicles entering with the proper permits, base-plates, weights, and agriculture/produce inspection, not private vehicles. Again, I have no problem of an ADOT SAFETY check point but don't limit it the borders and bring them to Phoenix too.
AZ Miguel said:
I believe that ADOT should be concerned with safety as when it comes to transporting fuel in an unsecured 55 gallon drum in the back of a half ton pickup, conducting tax collection does not resolve the safety issue. The state should operate a port of entry entering the state for commercial vehicles at Lukeville just as the do at every entry point into the state, I'm not knowledgeable as to if they already do this. However at all the other point of entries into the stat from other states it's for the purpose of commercial vehicles entering with the proper permits, base-plates, weights, and agriculture/produce inspection, not private vehicles. Again, I have no problem of an ADOT SAFETY check point but don't limit it the borders and bring them to Phoenix too.
That is just the point....they were NOT concerned with the safety issue....not once did that subject come up in any discussion I had with the ADOT personnel on duty at Lukeville....the drum is DOT (Federal)approved....and it was well secured....it is merely a method to extract money out of private citizens! I don't know if AZ has any jurisdiction over commercial trucking operating under international agreements between Mexico, the U.S. and Canada....I believe DOT, not ADOT, should have that jurisdiction.


half ton pickup? Huh. Since Joe has the Cummins diesel, with a payload capacity of 2680 lbs, I think it can more than handle one little 55 gallon drum of diesel safely.


I have to do some mod's on my transfer tank so im gunna give away eighty gallons for four bucks a gallon if anyone is in queen creek. i cant hook up my feed line with all this fuel in my tank so tell your buddy's! Im in Johnson ranch....


So they might be getting us coming and going, nice find Jerry. My 'stealth tank' might be OK though.

Mildly funny yet misinformed article on the "bro's" Jerry. I love how people assume you don't use your truck for anything but showing off. All based on someone's assessment of what you 'need'. Some even go a step further and assume you could rent a truck to fit any needs you may have, as rental trucks rarely come equipped with class 5 hitches, not to mention brake controllers. Good luck if you need a 5th wheel too.

I lifted my truck, yet, only 6" though, the minimum needed to fit my tire size of choice: 35". This choice gave me the perfect balance between ride height for necessary ground clearance yet not so tall as to limit my trailer options, require expensive re-gearing, or compromise ride comfort. Ride actually improved over the stock configuration.
Besides improving the truck's traction in sand (oftentimes not even requiring air bleed even at 50 psi), this clearance allows me to reach some of my favorite spots in Oregon and California and on the Colorado River, Mohave and Saguaro lakes with my jetskis.

Last year I didn't drive myself to Oregon for an annual beach party and instead rented a 2007 Jeep Liberty in Portland. After an 18 mile run on the sand to reach the party spot, this 'tough' Jeep had the 'check transmission' light on and was limiting speed to 10 mph. You could smell the tranny cooking when I parked it. All that for carrying 4 people! My F250 wouldn't sniff at a load of 6 people, gear, 4 jetskis plus fuel on a trailer that drags like a mud-tractor pull through the soft Oregon sand despite wider tires. I'll stick with my truck, thanks.

Usually the 'high beam' syndrome is a failure, deliberate or not, to re-aim your headlights. I don't understand that one either as it only takes a few minutes parked in front of a wall. More relavent to Arizona is the 'fog light syndrome' in which cars and trucks of all types persist on keeping their foglights on the 364 days of the year that fog is not present in the Valley.

You won't ever see some of those 'balls' on my truck, whether plastic, brass, or steel. If you have to advertise it, the truck ain't got it.

So who are these people to tell us what we 'need'? And since when do you have to qualify for a vehicle on a need basis? If someone wants to spend $50k on a truck they only 'use' for it's potential on weekends, more power to them. If I need fuel savings I'll just jump in my propane powered cop car (carpool lane approved!) or if I need to get there quick it's gear up and ride the CBR1000 (41mpg/185mph). Wait, three vehicles for one person! That's just crazy!


GEEEEEZ!!!!!! I envy you both all the time used to search and write about those things, forget about the "bro" and the fake balls in the trucks, just the time, just the time!!!!! :eek:


Ink it is a great day here in Bowie.In exchange for a ride to our ranch from the middle of nowhere 3 "guest" workers are cutting weeds,cleaning up the barn and washing my atv until their uncle comes to pick them up.Not sure if this is legal but what the hell.Meanwhile I'm interneting and watching our number one ranked beach volleyball team being upset by Lithuania after being jinxed by a Bush butt pat. It really is all his fault.


Wow, it was all "bro's" at the Icehouse this past Spring Break. I didn't realize they had their own subspecies!


No one has mentioned how U.S. BCI agents, or ADOT agents determine what quantity of fuel is imported, or how they determine where the fuel is purchased in the tanks of one's vehicle returning from Mexico. If one purchases fuel in AZ and adds to it in Mexico, how is the "mix" determined? What a bunch of crap! Like the amount of fuel one can carry across the border in their vehicle has a serious impact on the AZ fuel industry or seriously deprives the state of tax revenue. Give me a break! Our tax supported government agencies have their priorities twisted, on both the federal and state level. Taxpaying citizens should raise hell. The squeaking wheel gets the oil.

Meanwhile we are being overrun by illegal aliens who are costing us a fortune in government services, not to mention the cost of the illegal alien population in our prisons. DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS AND VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBANTS (except Joe Arpaio)!

So much for the voluntary turn yourself in and self deport program for the 575,000+ illegal aliens who have received and ignored final deportation notices. So far, no takers reported by the media. We kiss the asses of foreignors who have nothing but contempt for the laws of our country and thumb their noses at us. After the offer expires Aug.22, take our state "fuel agents" and have them help our impotent federal agents round up and deport ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS, whether or not they have received "final deportation notices". It's a total disgrace that states are forced to enact illegal alien laws because the federal government refuses to enforce the existing laws that are in place and are perfectly adequate to deal with the problem.
cactusamigo said:
No one has mentioned how U.S. BCI agents, or ADOT agents determine what quantity of fuel is imported, or how they determine where the fuel is purchased in the tanks of one's vehicle returning from Mexico. If one purchases fuel in AZ and adds to it in Mexico, how is the "mix" determined? What a bunch of crap! Like the amount of fuel one can carry across the border in their vehicle has a serious impact on the AZ fuel industry or seriously deprives the state of tax revenue. Give me a break! Our tax supported government agencies have their priorities twisted, on both the federal and state level. Taxpaying citizens should raise hell. The squeaking wheel gets the oil.
Cactusamigo.....what I was told by ADOT when I had my "affair" was that anything in separate fuel tanks/containers would be consider as fuel being imported, regardless of when or where you bought it.
So, does that mean that the Mexicans are going to be checking all the vehicles leaving the country too? Maybe another green light/red light system on that side of the roadway?

I can imagine what the line will look like returning to the US.....probably be all the way back to RP on busy weekends!