I know this is off subject but it' JimMcG's fault

I do not know if you are following it, but the Iguala killings have focussed a very intense light on the whole issue of Mex. Gov. complicity and inaction in the internationa press. There was nothing new about the killing, almost the exact same thing has happened in Iguala in the past. Through a convergence of current factors, social media being a big one, including the persistence and bravery of the families of the students demanding action, this has resulted in a generalized interest and reporting international. Other more recent shootings have gotten widespread coverage. although belatedly. The fossas, mass graves, of Gerrero near Iguala, are being excavated and hundreds of bodies have been uncovered. Families of the disappeared are finding their voices, crying for justice. Everything has been blamed on cartel to cartel killings and so to be ignored, not investigated, no convictions. There were many thousands of innocent victims.
For example, the recent assasination of a Catholic priest who, from his pulpit, denounced the cartel thought reponsible for the killings in Iguala, Rev. Gorostieta, resulted in over 200 news report hits on my news crawler
the very next day. From all over the world. Literally hundreds of priests have been killed in Mexico over the years and thousands 'disappeared', without a whisper in the international press.
Also recentley declassified NSA docs have added to the fire. It's agood fire and hopefully will burn brightly and turn at least some of the corruption to ashes.