```I Like Nasty Girls``` :lol: :lol: :lol: ```
```Hey Tomcat,Well I needed a hair cut anyway so pulling a few hairs out was no problem helping Happy do his own Avatar.... We sometime forget the words like pixels are not in every ones English vocabulary ! I helped Happy learn by slowing way way down and trying to step in his shoes..... Yes Patience was needed but we all had to learn this stuff one step at a time ourselves correct..... Cheers Happy I like yummy girlsI lost a few hairs lately building my first website so Cheers to figuring it out ourselves and not having to ask for help every time we take on a new challenge... My Yummy girl website just a few weeks work so far and a hand full of hair lose.... Click.... https://sites.google.com/site/cebupersonaltourguide/
```Hey Tomcat,
Very nice site, takes me back 50 yrs. ( when I did 3 tours overseas, ) the Philippines, was there 6 times, ARE a special place, and the GIRLS wow```I left some SPECIAL ones there, ```
``` When the ship left for the last time with me on it, ``` I left a few waving & crying ```
``` And you know what ``` 50 yrs. later ``` sometimes late at nite ``` I can STILL hear them crying ! ! !
I've spent time with HAPPY, and your right! Most of the time his mind is somewhere else, hopefully, and his eyes are like Bela Lagosi's in Plan nine from outer space.http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/bela-lugosi-plan-9-from-outer-space-trailer/7fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd557fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd55-312818139505?q=bela+lugosi&FORM=VIRE1and your eyes and mind wander off to another place and time
I've spent time with HAPPY, and your right! Most of the time his mind is somewhere else, hopefully, and his eyes are like Bela Lagosi's in Plan nine from outer space.http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/bela-lugosi-plan-9-from-outer-space-trailer/7fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd557fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd55-312818139505?q=bela+lugosi&FORM=VIRE1![]()
Tomcat please accept my apology for calling you a pom pom girl. It was unjustified. I had to kill that vine so you were my scapegoat.
Hey it could have been worse, I could of said Cheerleader.
I'll send HAPPY some pics of some 2011 Chicas from Brazil!!!