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Nasty !!!

```I Like Nasty Girls``` :lol: :lol: :lol: ```

` ` ` Next is learning to post pics. ``` then ``` LOOK OUT ```

``` I have some pics. of ```LONG AGO NASTY GIRLFRIENDS ! ! ! :bunny::bunny::bunny:
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Well I needed a hair cut anyway so pulling a few hairs out was no problem helping Happy do his own Avatar.... We sometime forget the words like pixels are not in every ones English vocabulary ! I helped Happy learn by slowing way way down and trying to step in his shoes..... Yes Patience was needed but we all had to learn this stuff one step at a time ourselves correct..... Cheers Happy I like yummy girls :) I lost a few hairs lately building my first website so Cheers to figuring it out ourselves and not having to ask for help every time we take on a new challenge... My Yummy girl website just a few weeks work so far and a hand full of hair lose.... Click.... https://sites.google.com/site/cebupersonaltourguide/
```I Like Nasty Girls``` :lol: :lol: :lol: ```


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Well I needed a hair cut anyway so pulling a few hairs out was no problem helping Happy do his own Avatar.... We sometime forget the words like pixels are not in every ones English vocabulary ! I helped Happy learn by slowing way way down and trying to step in his shoes..... Yes Patience was needed but we all had to learn this stuff one step at a time ourselves correct..... Cheers Happy I like yummy girls :) I lost a few hairs lately building my first website so Cheers to figuring it out ourselves and not having to ask for help every time we take on a new challenge... My Yummy girl website just a few weeks work so far and a hand full of hair lose.... Click.... https://sites.google.com/site/cebupersonaltourguide/
```Hey Tomcat,
Very nice site, takes me back 50 yrs. ( when I did 3 tours overseas, ) the Philippines, was there 6 times, ARE a special place, and the GIRLS wow```I left some SPECIAL ones there, ```

``` When the ship left for the last time with me on it, ``` I left a few waving & crying ```

``` And you know what ``` 50 yrs. later ``` sometimes late at nite ``` I can STILL hear them crying ! ! !



Yeah Happy... only someone that's been to the Philippines can say those words you said.... My last trip there was 2 years ago and with all my trips there I truly believe that place and those women are running through my veins forever... 2 years or 50 years !!!! its a place and a people that can't ever be forgotten..... I bet you still smile when you say Philippines.... and your eyes and mind wander off to another place and time :)
```Hey Tomcat,
Very nice site, takes me back 50 yrs. ( when I did 3 tours overseas, ) the Philippines, was there 6 times, ARE a special place, and the GIRLS wow```I left some SPECIAL ones there, ```

``` When the ship left for the last time with me on it, ``` I left a few waving & crying ```

``` And you know what ``` 50 yrs. later ``` sometimes late at nite ``` I can STILL hear them crying ! ! !



LOL I have got to meet Happy and you guys in person someday soon LOL Right now I am hoping Stuart doesn't get mad at me for showing Happy how to compress pictures so he can upload them online.... Imagine Happy's naughty X girlfriends pic's poping up in post !!!!!!!! So sorry Stuart !!!!! Happy is on the lose now with a new toy (PIXresizer) :party::party::party:
I've spent time with HAPPY, and your right! Most of the time his mind is somewhere else, hopefully, and his eyes are like Bela Lagosi's in Plan nine from outer space.http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/bela-lugosi-plan-9-from-outer-space-trailer/7fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd557fe4a9f6b5124c3ebd55-312818139505?q=bela+lugosi&FORM=VIRE1


El Pirata
Tomcat please accept my apology for calling you a pom pom girl. It was unjustified. I had to kill that vine so you were my scapegoat.
Hey it could have been worse, I could of said Cheerleader.

I'll send HAPPY some pics of some 2011 Chicas from Brazil!!!
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After looking at where and when I made that post I can see how you might think I was cheering someone on but I wasn't ! I was just being my silly warped self.... apology excepted... a cheerleader !!!!!!!!!!! I could win the ugliest cheerleader of the year award cool :) Brazil babes ? I will wait to see what Happy does with those pic's in hand :rofl:Cheers Playa....
Tomcat please accept my apology for calling you a pom pom girl. It was unjustified. I had to kill that vine so you were my scapegoat.
Hey it could have been worse, I could of said Cheerleader.

I'll send HAPPY some pics of some 2011 Chicas from Brazil!!!