Alejandro Portugal Insurance

El Gato

Some of my favorite clients live in Bella Sirena. I appreciate that they gave us a shot. I believe to this day that they had a better policy with a higher-ranked insurer and for a lower cost. I further believe that most owners at resorts are good and have the best intentions.

What (technically) happened:

There was a big storm and lots of units reported damage. Because that policy was important to me, I made the President of the adjustment company and two of his adjusters make the trip to Peñasco along with my rep at the company, who came from Juarez. We toured each building and saw every bit of damage they had. HOA insurance is specific to "common areas" and not meant to replace insurance that owners should have on their individual condos. HOA policies have a much higher deductible. All Hydro claims have a deductible equal to 1% the total insured sum and a co-pay of 10% the amount of the claim.

So...if a building is insured for $5 million, damage would have to be more than $50,000 for the insurance to begin to pay. If the individual owner has his place insured with structural coverage of $50k, then the deductible is only $500 bucks.

NOTE: Deductibles and co-pays for Hydro are the same industry-wide.
NOTHER NOTE: Before an underwriter pays on a Hydro claim they check the National Weather Service. A storm would have to be an "anomaly" or phenomenon more severe than is normal for that time of year.

Portugal was standing in the wings (and no one reading this should be so naive as to think he doesn't have people working for him at each and every resort) saying that if the policy had stayed with him, the claims would've been paid. I doubt they would've, but his saying so had the desired effect. The policy was cancelled in the first month or two and the balance of the premium was returned.

What I think (actually) happened:

Anyone here who owns in Princesa knows how fervently Portugal intends to defend his turf, despite the well-known fact that healthy competition greatly benefits consumers. The only thing about the whole situation that wasn't staged...was the storm. Can't prove it, but no one can convince me otherwise. It's okay though...I'm one of those people who thinks doing the right thing day after day will get me not necessarily what I want, but what I should have. I want to be where I'm supposed to be, do what I'm supposed to do and have what I'm supposed to have. If there's any backstage goings on to keep me from gaining business, all I know is that the truth eventually comes to light. I couldn't care less about the rumors.

Of all the resorts, I have a higher percentage of the business to be had in Bella Sirena. Through all that mess I didn't lose a single client...instead, I gained several. Same thing happened at Princesa.

Okay, Dry've been duly informed. Now go out fully armed with Truth and squelch that crap that's flying around!

I can say that Rosy did absolutely nothing wrong - her policy was better, except that Portugal had a rider that he provided that apparently would have covered the damage - or so I've been told. Personally we have our policies with Rosy and would never change.


I use to have Rosey and moved to Alejandro Portugal...I have had him for years and no issues......with previous did not get treated good but I am sure I will get all kinds of negative remarks now....everyone has their opinion
Happygirl, I respect your opinion, but your negative remark about ProAlliance Insurance is extremely vague. Your comment "did not get treated good" leaves me with nothing but question marks. Would you care to elaborate? I'm sure there are two sides to every story.
Happygirl, I respect your opinion, but your negative remark about ProAlliance Insurance is extremely vague. Your comment "did not get treated good" leaves me with nothing but question marks. Would you care to elaborate? I'm sure there are two sides to every story.
You know, I too would love to know what we did to you. Landshark, I was so focused on the fact that we had a (rare) dissatisfied customer that I didn't pay enough attention to the wording. Not treating someone well is a different thing altogether than having a client upset because a claim took too long or walk out the door because the cost was lower elsewhere. We aren't perfect, but we don't mistreat people. Happygirl, you really should go ahead and tell us what you're talking about. I can take it. Also, you say that after leaving us you've been with Portugal for "for years" now. How long ago were you insured with us? Please don't feel like you're under fire...I'm sincerely glad you posted and would like to better understand.


The thing i worry (speaking from total ignorance as usual) about Mexican insurance is whether any of it is worth a crap if we get "the Big One" a super hurricane might make the policy uncollectable.


El Pirata
The thing i worry (speaking from total ignorance as usual) about Mexican insurance is whether any of it is worth a crap if we get "the Big One" a super hurricane might make the policy uncollectable.
To be honest I never even thought of a hurricane coming to our little drinking village, The sea does good damage little by little, build the best sea wall if beachfront...

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
The thing i worry (speaking from total ignorance as usual) about Mexican insurance is whether any of it is worth a crap if we get "the Big One" a super hurricane might make the policy uncollectable.
I'll even add to that point... what happens when the majority of the developments along sandy beach are insured with one carrier. do we honestly believe that one carrier would be able to pay at least half a billion in claims? maybe it is best to go with the carrier that does not have all of the properties insured with them. The whole point of a master policy for associations is to cover a big (but rare) claim. No more is it important than the ability to pay such a claim. Of course every carrier will show you their numbers and tell you that they are able to financial handle such a hit. The question is though, if they insure everything up and down sandy beach (as an example) can they really handle such a catastrophic claim in a reasonable time period?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Look no further than Florida for your answer, Dry Heat. In Florida, for example, you must purchase a separate policy for wind coverage. Due to major hurricanes and massive payouts, there is now basically only ONE insurer that writes any kind of wind insurance in the state - Citizens. And you pay oh-so-dearly for that coverage. Interesting read at this link concerning Florida insurance.

But yes, I tend to agree... when only ONE insurer more or less owns the market, you have to wonder if they'll be able to make good in the event of huge event/many many payouts.

Bob Oso

Rosy, what's the best time and way to get a hold of you. We'll be down all next week and want to meet with about insuring our place in Cholla.
Hurricanes in RP, Yes they do happen, (and so do water spouts).
Last large one was September 1997 Hurrican Nora. It dropped 8 inches of rain.
On Pinto Point there were roofs hanging from the powerlines.
My rolled roofing was peeled off and I lost 2- 1100 liter water tanks that had water in them.
My neighbor below me had his whole 50ft long timbered patio lifted over the house and landed against house and rock wall, it almost killed the owner.
The barrio along Samuel Ocana was leveled from that one, when they rebuilt, it was 100 times better than the shacks that were leveled.
Hurricanes do happen.
I also pay extra for earthquake insurance.


And let's not forget about the potential for tsunamis with the fault line that runs through the Sea of Cortes!
Or earthquake damage. Already have had some minor damage and heard about neighbors with similar problems. I doubt anything in RP was engineered to hold up in even a mild earthquake.
Rosy, what's the best time and way to get a hold of you. We'll be down all next week and want to meet with about insuring our place in Cholla.
Office from the States: 602.773.1031 US Cell: 602512.1601 Office Mexico: 388.6624 MX cell: 638.386.9081 PS. Once more the "enter" button isn't giving me a line break. What am I doing wrong?


The best thing is to contact Paty. I'll be going on a secret mission next week, but if all goes well, there'll be exciting news to report sometime in the not-to-distant future. If not, then I'll regret having said even this much. Email

OMG, what a tease you are! Now I'm dying to know! BTW, Daniel and I stopped by your office a couple Saturdays ago. Unfortunately it was while you were on the air, but we did here send out Saludos to us. We giggled like little kids hearing you say our names while we were driving to the Malecon. Anyway, I stopped by to get the copy of the magazine with our pictures in it, but Paty didn't know which one it was. Maybe I can find it online? Was Alo Magazine? Or En Sociedad? Or something else? Thanks!


El Pirata
I know, I know, but your going to want to shoot me Melissa, It's Boomerfest!! Where the heck is Bill Hale that started this thread that I had to take a loranezpam after all the "Acts of God".


I know, I know, but your going to want to shoot me Melissa, It's Boomerfest!! Where the heck is Bill Hale that started this thread that I had to take a loranezpam after all the "Acts of God".
Please tell me you're kidding or I'll have to take an alprazolam. :cheers: