El Gato
Some of my favorite clients live in Bella Sirena. I appreciate that they gave us a shot. I believe to this day that they had a better policy with a higher-ranked insurer and for a lower cost. I further believe that most owners at resorts are good and have the best intentions.
What (technically) happened:
There was a big storm and lots of units reported damage. Because that policy was important to me, I made the President of the adjustment company and two of his adjusters make the trip to Peñasco along with my rep at the company, who came from Juarez. We toured each building and saw every bit of damage they had. HOA insurance is specific to "common areas" and not meant to replace insurance that owners should have on their individual condos. HOA policies have a much higher deductible. All Hydro claims have a deductible equal to 1% the total insured sum and a co-pay of 10% the amount of the claim.
So...if a building is insured for $5 million, damage would have to be more than $50,000 for the insurance to begin to pay. If the individual owner has his place insured with structural coverage of $50k, then the deductible is only $500 bucks.
NOTE: Deductibles and co-pays for Hydro are the same industry-wide.
NOTHER NOTE: Before an underwriter pays on a Hydro claim they check the National Weather Service. A storm would have to be an "anomaly" or phenomenon more severe than is normal for that time of year.
Portugal was standing in the wings (and no one reading this should be so naive as to think he doesn't have people working for him at each and every resort) saying that if the policy had stayed with him, the claims would've been paid. I doubt they would've, but his saying so had the desired effect. The policy was cancelled in the first month or two and the balance of the premium was returned.
What I think (actually) happened:
Anyone here who owns in Princesa knows how fervently Portugal intends to defend his turf, despite the well-known fact that healthy competition greatly benefits consumers. The only thing about the whole situation that wasn't staged...was the storm. Can't prove it, but no one can convince me otherwise. It's okay though...I'm one of those people who thinks doing the right thing day after day will get me not necessarily what I want, but what I should have. I want to be where I'm supposed to be, do what I'm supposed to do and have what I'm supposed to have. If there's any backstage goings on to keep me from gaining business, all I know is that the truth eventually comes to light. I couldn't care less about the rumors.
Of all the resorts, I have a higher percentage of the business to be had in Bella Sirena. Through all that mess I didn't lose a single client...instead, I gained several. Same thing happened at Princesa.
Okay, Dry Heat...you've been duly informed. Now go out fully armed with Truth and squelch that crap that's flying around!
I can say that Rosy did absolutely nothing wrong - her policy was better, except that Portugal had a rider that he provided that apparently would have covered the damage - or so I've been told. Personally we have our policies with Rosy and would never change.