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  1. M

    New website dedicated to all about restaurants

    Tyler, can you email Rosie about hosting a new domain? :) Thanks.
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    New website dedicated to all about restaurants

    listing restaurants is free The bookstore is online, Nope, we list restaurants ABSOLUTELY FREE!! Sorry, Tyler, I am a bluehost affiliate, so I get a little cheque every time I start a new website with them.. :-( Hey, Lady Jeeper, I still can't find Lolita's! Help...
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    New website dedicated to all about restaurants

    awesome, we'll check them out, too. Thanks!
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    New website dedicated to all about restaurants

    Lolita's and contact You should be able to click on email us on this page: I'll be happy to add Lolita's- do you mind telling me where it is, and I'll go in and have a chat with them? Thanks!!
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    New website dedicated to all about restaurants

    hey, everyone, please check out our new website, It's dedicated to listing every restaurant in town (we have 52 now), with location, maps, description etc. No reviews, it's not a review site, and we're listing restaurants for free so if you have a favorite that's...
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    Sting Ray protection?

    These might work for me: I run in water shoulder-deep, so maybe these with water shoes.
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    Sting Ray protection?

    How about something like this would it afford protection?: I too felt a slippery membrane the other day- I was swimming, then stood up. EEK! I guess my other question is, has anyone's dog ever been hit? Our boy goes in every day.
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    Sting Ray protection?

    Hi, all, I love to run in the ocean (When I can't swim, which is when there are big waves), but I'm a little nervous about getting a stingray hit. Anyone know of protection for that? How big are the rays here? I assume that if you had protection up to above the ankle you'd be ok? Thanks.
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    Any birders?

    It WAS an Oyster-catcher! Thanks!
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    Any birders?

    I confess, I am too lazy to be a birder, but I'm always intrigued by birds. Saw one yesterday flying by me at Mirador beach, about the size of a large gull, but with broader wings. Long sharp red bill, black body except for white stripes on top of the wings. Anyone have any idea what I saw?
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    Puerto Penasco / La Cholla MAPS

    I for one really appreciate the work you've done, and can't wait to see the maps! Especially since Google has lost all the detail it used to have in its maps of PP. I'm still a newbie, and if someone says, it's right by where (fill in the blank) used to be, I'm lost!
  12. M

    Tyler, tell me more! Can you post the URL of your hosting company? How can you afford free hosting? Thanks!
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    Fish issue

    Yep, I think that's the ultimate answer. When I see a fish being filleted, I'll know it's a flounder or snapper and I'll buy it. Otherwise I'm going to have to buy me a boat and start fishing myself!
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    Fish issue

    Ok, I am a fish-poker from now on, lol. Linguado, huh? I'll have to see if I can find it. What's a "Big Ol' Black"?
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    Fish issue

    Hi, guys and gals, I thought I'd ask the experts about this- I have two questions about fish in the area. 1. Does anyone know if there are halibut or swordfish to be had (to buy, I mean)? Doesn't need to be now, just wondering if there's a season for my two favorite fish. 2. I've had some...
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    Great breakfasts in a sunny, bright environment. Try the Divorce eggs! (One in green sauce, one in red sauce).
  17. M

    Anyone having wild power fluctuations?

    Thanks, everybody, we had an electrician in, plus the CFE guys, and it was all outside wiring, plus they replaced the meter. Now we're lookin' good!
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    Anyone having wild power fluctuations?

    We will do that! Thanks! It just started to happen recently.
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    Anyone having wild power fluctuations?

    The neighborhood around Sonora and Josefa.
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    Anyone having wild power fluctuations?

    Maybe it's only our neighborhood( we're in Oriente), but our power's going crazy the last few days! We've blown two power surge protectors, and I mean fried them but good. About 4 PM the last two days, we get this wild power surge, the fans start spinning like jet turbines, lights get really...