Search results

  1. Roberto

    Sports Cards, Baseball, Football Hockey

    Any fanatics on the forum that can advise me where to find values. Guy brought in a mixed binder of about 400 cards from 92-93-94. I've searched some with little success.
  2. Roberto

    Still questions about the PP shootout and el Macho Prieto

    The Federal Institute of access to information and data protection (IFAI) instructed the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to clarify the expert evidence about the death of Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, "El Macho Prieto", alleged operational leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. To respond to a request for...
  3. Roberto

    Still questions about the PP shootout and el Macho Prieto

    The Federal Institute of access to information and data protection (IFAI) instructed the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to clarify the expert evidence about the death of Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, "El Macho Prieto", alleged operational leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. To respond to a request for...
  4. Roberto

    December Weather in Penasco

    Things are tough here right now. Looks like another year that I do not get to wear a long sleeve shirt. Watching with my binocs the dolphins swim by, pelicans diving and local pangeros netting this morning on the beach, suddenly into my vision comes a guy on a paddle board dressed in only a...
  5. Roberto

    Train Accident

    Estero on his way to San Diego reports that there is an horrific train accident where the train tracks cross the road that connect the coastal highway to the Sonoita highway (the road to Laguna Shores). That road is completely impassable, so if going to Sandy Beach from Sonoita you will not...
  6. Roberto

    La Fondita

    Here's a good, under attended, convenient, inexpensive restaurant with very tasty food. On Fremont next to the Black Dog. Yes they do breakfast.
  7. Roberto

    Fab weather for Turkey Day.

    A perfect November day. Warm with only light breezes, full sun and bright blue skies. Lots of people in town.
  8. Roberto

    Recent Magazines needed

    Know a local fellow who is in a wheelchair and likes to read National Geographic and or recent news mags. If you have a few ( 5 t0 10) you can drop them off at Twin Dolphins as he stops regularly. Please do not bring boxes full of the past 10 years of National Geographic as we cannot handle them...
  9. Roberto

    Monarch's Come to Penasco

    They are all over Las Conchas today. The fourth generation Monarch is born in September and October and goes through exactly the same process as the first, second and third generations except for one part. The fourth generation of monarch butterflies does not die after two to six weeks...
  10. Roberto

    Youth Against Violence Parade in Penasco.

    A float leading, without exaggeration, over 100 horses with riders of all ages paraded down Fremont to BJ. The float had prolly 25 men dressed in white and carried a banner "Joven Contra Violencia" (Youth against Violence.) Good to see people getting mobilized. I bet the riders were from all...
  11. Roberto

    Corvina !!

    Yesterday I was enjoying watching the pelicanos gathering and diving off the beach. Down the beach came a panga which stopped and spred their net. They were close in so I got a good view of the procedure. I think the pelicanos attracted the fishermen, but as usual there was a spotter on the...
  12. Roberto

    The surf was GLOWING last night.

    May be a common event that I have never viewed but the incoming waves were glowing last night as they crashed into the beach. Not reflected light. Not every wave hitting the beach would glow but all up and down the beach as far as I could see, those that did glow were magnificent. Looked like a...
  13. Roberto

    Interesting photo

    EPN is usually photographed sitting, behind a podium, or standing alone. This photo of him with Obama and Canadian PM gives a perspective on his height. Family of the Normalistas that met with EPN reported he was very small and not one you could respect.
  14. Roberto

    Support for Normalistas in Penasco

    Early last evening a group of about 150 people, students and adults, gathered and walked on BJ to Fremont then into the shrimp park. The group followed behind a very large banner declaring support for the Iguala Normalistas. Notably, the folks in the group kept tightly packed and there was no...
  15. Roberto

    Penasco is Flooded

    Thinking about coming in the next couple of days, forget it. The road to Unconscious is closed. Town streets are populated with lakes. Phones work erraticaly. Rained all day and part of the night. Cloudy with sprinkles right now at 11 am.
  16. Roberto

    One stop internet info. for fishing Mexico.
  17. Roberto

    Monday night La Grita

    Be there or be square, Monday night, Sept 15 if front of the Municipal building. The road will be closed off, lots of booths and activity. It's a real Mexican celebration.
  18. Roberto

    Weiner Dog needs a good home.

    This is a purebred male Dashund whose owner recently passed away. Dog is a sweetheart, trained and in excellent health. In Penasco. Sent me a PM if interested.
  19. Roberto

    Hamberger Alert

    Crossed a bit back, got sent to secondary for the first time ever. Guy in the booth stares and pauses after responses from me, stares some more. " Where were you"? Me: Penasco. How long were you there? Me: " About 10 years" Incredulos response !! 10 Years!! Walks around the van shaking his...
  20. Roberto

    Mexican Beer, Montejo

    Anyone ever seen this Mexican brand for sale? Now being imported to US by Anheyser Busch