Search results

  1. Roberto

    Mexico is cracking down on U.S. boaters who venture into its waters

    This prolly impacts US boats out of Penasco. Without a fence to mark the international boundary, crossing by boat from San Diego into Mexico might seem deceptively easy. But San Diego sport fishermen and...
  2. Roberto

    Mexican Poachers Ignore Fishing Ban, Porpoise Nears Extinction

    I wonder is the Greenpeace ship Esperanza has visited Penasco. Mexican Poachers Ignore Fishing Ban as the World’s Most Endangered Porpoise Nears Extinction A Greenpeace vessel patrolling the...
  3. Roberto

    See other post for article - Lo Siento

    Whoopsie, double post, article appears in other post.
  4. Roberto

    Huge Haul of Cash at Lukeville crossing.

    Interesting the money was confiscated in Mexico, no on the US side. Bet that makes the US officials sad !! 0:26 HRS IST Mexico City, Jul 14 (AFP) Mexican authorities seized USD 11.5 million in cash hidden in a truck carrying strawberries at a customs checkpoint near the US border, officials...
  5. Roberto

    Laguna Shores Official Arrested

    Local news has the story. Law enforcement for the US and Mexico joined to collect the manager/owner and take him to the US. Word on the street is he was cuffed and taken away a few days ago ??? Anyone know more? Karnak ?? If this is in fact true it could be a huge headache and more, for...
  6. Roberto

    Train Derailment in Penasco.

    No exact location yet but the derailment is where the track parallels Fremont behind Oceano. Not sure if Sinaloa or Josefa were affected. Friend said they were searching for bodies as that train is sometimes loaded with 'passengers' up top.
  7. Roberto

    Penasco Chinese restaurants shut down

    Apparently the meat they were using was from a non approved species. Report says 4 were shut. Did not know there wee that many here.
  8. Roberto

    Narco Manta on Benito Juarez in Penasco

    This is a first as far as I can recall. Common in disputed areas. Spill over from the continuing problems in Sonoyta. Similar messages posed in both Hermosillo and Penasco. Both blame the local governments for supporting one group over another. Mayor of Sonoyta tells citizens to stay inside...
  9. Roberto

    The Green Valley Desperado swarmed by Federales ????

    Yesterday heralded the arrival of the notorious Green Valley desperado and his henchman Ross. This is a predictable week in the Desperado's schedule, which may have worked against him this year. I had a cordial visit with the two around the 5 O'Clock hour and they detailed some plans to wreak...
  10. Roberto

    By Catch of Cartel wars.

    Unrecorded and unreported.
  11. Roberto


    1:oo Friday, some rogue cops are working the intersection of Josefa and Fremont. Tickets only $140 and $160. If you are in town beware. I saw a guy pulled over this AM and a friend just called to say she got nailed although she swears she stopped.
  12. Roberto

    Some restaurant changes

    Don Julios on Fremont has closed the old Las Fuentes location and moved the name down to the Malecon next to La Palapa. Luca opened Fish, a restaurant on Whale Hill, the Lighthouse location. Existing location on Fremont still open as of today. The restaurant on the second level immediately...
  13. Roberto

    AC repair in Penasco ??

    Any suggestions??
  14. Roberto

    RUMOR ?? Shooting in Sonoyta ??

    Heard fragmented reports from several people that there was a report on the AZ news of shoooting in Sonoyta 3-12 or 13, 2015? Anyone ??
  15. Roberto

    Spring Break 2015

    No one has reported anything but, I drove throught the Mirador late last night and it was HOPPIN. The streets were not closed off but there were barriers ready to go. Crossed last night, one hour coming into Mex.
  16. Roberto

    Eagle Eating

    I have been watching this eagle out my kitchen window. It eats on this pole, not at the nest. The base of the pole has lots of remainings. Looks like a fish for desayuno today. Got out to take pics and spooked it.
  17. Roberto

    New Yorker ArticleCrisis in Mexico: Who Is Really Responsible for the Missing Forty-three?

    Anyone with any interest in Mexico should read this summary of the Iguala disaster, the Government's inept reaction, and the continuing involvement of the families.
  18. Roberto

    What was in the Sea Today ?

    Anyone notice something unusual about the sea today? I thought it was very blue. The sea was very calm and flat with only small undulating waves. Then in the old port I noticed something floating on the surface. There were many expanses of whatever it was. It broke the surface enough to give...
  19. Roberto

    The Beach on the Sea of Cortez

    A series of views of mostly the beautiful designs in the sand the sea makes.
  20. Roberto

    Watch out if you have Warrants !!

    Oklahoma fugitive arrested at Arizona-Mexico border BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • Published: December 31, 2014 LUKEVILLE, Ariz. — U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in Arizona say they arrested a man wanted for jumping bail in an Oklahoma sexual battery case when he tried to re-enter the...