Search results

  1. Jim

    Coastal Highway to Sandy Beach

    I went to Black Mountain via the new road yesterday. It is paved all the way to both ends. Really a time saver from Sandy Beach.
  2. Jim

    Francisco "EL Despojo" Hernandez

    Who's Jim? Not this one!
  3. Jim

    Good Read

    I was told by Guss that the lien has been released and he sent a letter to all the owners. I have not seen one of the letters and do not know when construction will start again but it has definitely moved in the right direction.
  4. Jim

    Good Read

    Imminent means, in my and several other opinions, that they are delaying the announcement for political reasons. Everyone that I spoke with, from the SBR team to the Mayor agreed that it is "imminent", however the actual official announcement and groundbreaking date has not been disclosed. I am...
  5. Jim

    Good Read

    The house in Cholla is owned by a local Realtor and her husband, Gus has nothing to do with Las Palomas, and yes, he has hired a famous lock builder from England to design and build for the marina project. (the marina is a private venture, the port will be government money) I have spent a lot of...
  6. Jim

    Chair needs reupholstered

    There is a little shop (a house) across the street from Los Pinos hardware store at the corner of Revolution and Constitution. They did a boat interior a few years back and made me some curtains recently. They did a great job for a cheap price. I have my Dad's old Lazyboy in my shed and have...
  7. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    We're up and running. Anyone can enter. Everyone can vote. $1000 and more for First Prize. Here's a link to an article: Here's a link to the contest...
  8. Jim


    Both locations are open. The food is great at both of his restaurants. He is at his Sonoran Sea restaurant during the day most of the time. Here's a good article about Ramon...
  9. Jim

    Quake this morning!

    No damage that I know of. I didn't feel it and haven't heard from anyone here who did.
  10. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    No catagories. Everyone can rate each photo one time from one to five stars. The program will only allow one vote per photo so you can come back as often as you like to see and vote on new ones. The photos will also have a title and story attached to them which may help influence voters...
  11. Jim

    Distressed Property For Purchase

    We have 33 sales at the Sonorans this year. That is more sales than 2010, 2009, 2008 or 2007. Prices are way down but we are still selling. We also have 4 pending sales that will close early next year.
  12. Jim

    New Live Weather Station for Puerto Peñasco!

    Or at
  13. Jim

    hatu sonny

    The card that I have in my office is from Channel Choice in Tucson. Number is: 520-888-0044. I have heard that the guy with the Ace Hardware store in Ajo helps Rocky Point residents with their Directv too.
  14. Jim

    Another Reason That I Live Here

    Here is another reason that I love to live here... Yesterday was my son's 14th birthday. Today, while I was at work, my wife put on a celebration of the anniversary of his birth. That means that she spent all last night making tamales and pozole, cleaning the house and yard and then today...
  15. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    No problem with the sidetrack. It helps keep the thread current. I picked up the URL so folks will be able to add and vote on photos. Manny Jr. is working on the technical side of things but that is where you will need to go when we start next month. Did I mention that...
  16. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    Still working out details and sponsors. I hope to have some serious cash prizes for this one. Here is a preview:
  17. Jim

    Cockfighting At Manny's Beach Club

    Illegal Alien to Dual Citizenship to Living Legend in Two Countries—Who Is That Man?
  18. Jim

    Major Fly Infestation

    I took my family to the water park outside of town several years ago (when it was still open). We brought a gallon of that orange juice wannabe drink. As soon as we opened it, we were immediately overwhelmed by bees. After about 15 minutes, we thought about just leaving but I put the jug next to...
  19. Jim

    Cockfighting At Manny's Beach Club

    I didn't say that I approved of it. I just wanted to make a comment about my conversation with Manny Jr. today. And, I am more than a little bothered about people in general telling Mexicans how they should live in their own Country. (Not specifically referring to cock fighting). Thanks for the...
  20. Jim

    Cockfighting At Manny's Beach Club

    Manny Jr. stopped by my office today and we briefly discussed this thread. We both ended up just shaking our heads. He doesn't have anything to do with what goes on at his Dad's place. And, although cock fighting is taboo in the USA, it has a very long tradition here in Mexico. If you don't like...