Search results

  1. Jim

    Private Schools

    My high school age daughter was here with us for a year doing online school. She liked the school well enough and I was satisfied with the program but the lack of social interaction made it a bad choice. She became a homebody and didn't make any real friends. She was a junior and didn't want to...
  2. Jim

    Private Schools

    Both my kids go to Cima. I'm very happy with the school.
  3. Jim

    4 Ton American Standard Central A/C complete $1000 in Rocky Point

    4 ton. I did uninstall it because I'm having work done on the building. But, I do guarantee that it works.
  4. Jim

    4 Ton American Standard Central A/C complete $1000 in Rocky Point

    Yes, it is a heat pump. I didn't see any seer number but it is American Standard Model#TWE036P13FBO, Serial#4073TUW1V Hope that helps. Let me know what else you need, or just come take a look at it.
  5. Jim

    4 Ton American Standard Central A/C complete $1000 in Rocky Point

    I can check tomorrow. Where would I find that info?
  6. Jim

    4 Ton American Standard Central A/C complete $1000 in Rocky Point

    I have a central air complete that I want to sell. I had it installed in a commercial location about 4 years ago and then never rented the building. Now I'm converting the space into something else and it's in the way. I'll take $1000 for it if you know someone looking. It's still hooked up so...
  7. Jim

    New Wunderground Weather Station

    Live Beach Cam too!
  8. Jim

    Mexicali to Rocky Point

    Does it recognize the street names in town?
  9. Jim

    Spring Break Reports?

    In the past few days I have been to, Sonoran Grill-Packed, Casa Capitan-Packed, Ramons-Very Busy, and Rosy's-Packed. I was going to attempt to head to the Malecon tonight but the line was about 10 cars before the road to Casa Capitan so we drove down the middle lane and went there...
  10. Jim

    Spring Break Reports?

    I don't know about the others, but the numbers for the Sonorans are WAY off.
  11. Jim

    Spring Break Reports?

    There are almost 800 condos and probably about 70% of them are in the rental pool. Many of the non-rentals are occupied as well. And, I can guarantee that there are more than 4 per room on average. Pretty much non-stop check-ins this afternoon.
  12. Jim

    Spring Break Reports?

    The Sonorans are 95% booked as of right now.
  13. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    Here is a video slideshow of the photos that were entered in the 1st "Why I Love Rocky Point" photo contest.
  14. Jim

    The new mall

    Most Mexican theaters play mostly American movies. Most that I have been to have had the movies in English with Spanish subtitles. Actually, my first date with my wife was in a Morelia movie theater to watch "The Craft". I didn't speak much Spanish then so it was a real treat when the movie was...
  15. Jim

    Two weeks is a death sentence! I want to be there now!

    Several of you unfortunate people (who don't live here) check in on our Live Beach Cam Sonoran Sky Live View | Sonoran Resorts for a quick fix between visits. Sorry, it's a bit of a plug for our website. But it really is a cool thing to bookmark. I live here full time and I still check it quite...
  16. Jim

    New Warnings

    We've seen this so many times that it doesn't come as a surprise. It almost always happens just before a holiday, spring break, the biker rally, etc. I always keep my ear to the ground and, as far as I know, there is nothing new to report or to cause the news to bring it up. There seems to be an...
  17. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    Update: My friend, and computer extraordinair Manny, has determined that the problem was due to an attempted hack to the site. Everything is back up and running now. No photos, votes, or data was lost. We have implemented additional security measures. Beware hacker, we are now looking for you...
  18. Jim

    "Why I Love Rocky Point" Photo Contest for Cash and Prizes

    AAAHHH! I just confirmed the problem and sent up the flares. Presumably, it will be fixed soon.
  19. Jim

    New Weather Station

    BTW, it is right on the beach at the Sonoran Sky Resort on Sandy Beach.
  20. Jim

    New Weather Station

    It's actually the Sonoran Sky Weather Site and is still under construction but it went live today. I was going to wait until all the bells and whistles were working to announce it, but the cat's out of the bag now. Here is a direct link: We're working on incorporating...