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  1. T

    Beach Teaser...

    Thanks for capturing a special day and for the, ¡salsa de carne!
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    Me and my big mouth!

    Thanks! I will ask Blanca if there is a interest in knitting or crocheting. Bit warm for that now tho :-)
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    Me and my big mouth!

    We have sewing classes at our Community Center where they learn to make quilts and other items to sell. We have a couple of American teachers that donate their time and materials for the classes. We would gladly except any sewing machines and materials. Our goal it to help the local people...
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    Huge thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Trade!

    Anytime Rosy glad we could help! Mark your too kind.
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    Need help asap!!!!!

    Hi Mark, sorry it took so long, I sign on then get busy and run out of day! We are loading the truck for another run on Friday it's mostley stuff for VBS (wk of 19th) a pool for Boo & Harley:lol: and food. We are almost out of water but I will load as much as I can. Thanks for helping w/ Roman...
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    A Bunch of Burn Outs

    Yeah all work and no play :-)
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    A Bunch of Burn Outs

    Schucks Mark, now we feel bad for getting you up so early on Saturday... one lonnnggg day!! Thanks for the great breakfast!
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    Not all the dust has settled...

    Thanks for the help Mark and everyone else! So far the governments response has been to send in inspectors to condem homes and send people out with no tents or other kind of temp shelter! We do have promises of help w/ materials but... I'll belive it when I see it! Harold & Kathy, La Esperanza...
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    We could use some help again...

    Hi Mark, we are coming back down Friday with 15 or so kids, we are doing food distribution as well as the house build. This house is different as we are building it with block. It's coming along great, hopefully we can get most of it done by Sunday. We could use the furniture for the family...
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    Otherside of Competition Hill

    Nice job! How's the knee doing?:cry:
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    Feliz Navidad

    That has my vote for most moving piece of vidio for 2009!!!!
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    Childrens Christmas Party

    Thanks Mark! You made the best Santa! We did not expect you and Barb to spend 6-7 hours entertaining children, but were sure grateful you did:D
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    crossing 12/13

    Hit the border 5:30 PM on Monday 3 lanes open no cars, why can't they open 3 on Sunday?
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    Charities, Volunteering, etc.

    That would be fantastic! flushing toilets and showers! The girls are going to love you guys! Thank you!!!
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    Charities, Volunteering, etc.

    Hi all! Thanks for kind words Mark, I logged on awhile ago to catch up but life got in the way:shock: We have a non profit in the US (AIM) and in Mexico (La Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida AC) "Hope for A New Life" We have been working in Mexico for 10 years as of this year! It does go fast. We build...
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    Border Crossing 8/2

    Line was back to Wendys 3:30pm crossed at 6:15pm lanes 1&2 open and 2 in back. Town seemed empty when we went in for lunch.
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    Shopping for notebooks

    Big Lots started their sale Sunday, the notebooks are .10 ea. but supply seems limited we got 489 from one store and cleaned them out. Best bet is to call first,the sale is through the 1st. so hopefully we can find sales at other store. We will let you know, heading down Friday with our first...
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    Electrical and A/C work

    If anyone needs any work done I can vouch for Matt, his work for us was perfect, he knows his stuff and is very fast! He responds quickly to phone calls and e-mails! If you have any questions please send me a PM
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    Thank you!!!!!!!

    I would like to publicly say thank you very much to Matt (Penasco Pirate) what a blessing! also thanks to Dusti and Matts friends for allowing us to "steal" him for a while! Sorry to hear of your problems on the way home If you need any work done I can assure you Matt known's his stuff and is...