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    Puerto Lobos is for the birds

    Great job Mark! Memories of a fun day, that is one tough fisherman! Watching him row that little boat against the tide wore me out!
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    Dia De Los Niños

    Thank you all! As Mark wrote the fiesta was a blast. The Figaroa family was a God send, we were short of bilingual help and they showed up Saturday morning with their wonderful kids and spent the morning helping with food distribution, and the rest of the day preparing for the fiesta. They were...
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    Dia De Los Niños

    Saturday the 30th is our monthly food distribution day, then starting at 2 PM is a fiesta for the children. All are welcome, if you were ever curious about who we are and what we do we would love to show you around. We are located on the NW corner of Lazaro Gardenas & Ave. 54. my cell number is...
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    Thank you!

    Hi Bill, we are getting ready to pour the floor and I am going to have the walls built with block due to fire concerns. I made some changes in the original design so am waiting for revised drawings. I will let Blanca know about your employees and see what we can come up with. I don't check in...
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    Easter Sunday Border Wait Expectations

    Arrived 2:46 Sunday, lanes 1-3 & 4 open, 50 minute wait, nice to see more Americans going down!
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    Border wait time Sunday

    Arrived in line almost to Hwy. 2 at 2:45 PM cleared border at 5:15 PM 3 lanes open. They can no longer send cars through the back. People were paying 2 policeman to lead them to the front, really upset a lot of people including the US Officers! Hope people will keep returning.
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    Thank you!

    A huge thanks to Bill aka Lagrimas85, We are building a new kitchen at our center and we needed to relocate our water storage tank. It sits in a approx. 8 x 8 x 10 foot deep concrete basement, yea its big! When my wife and I got to the center Saturday the 5th we found Bill and his crew hard at...
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    Child with hearing loss needs surgery....

    I seem to have an addiction to them and eat them by the bowl full like they were Cheerios... I can vouch for that! A very disturbing sight!! La Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida is ready to help!
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    My beloved forum friends

    Chari, our prayers are with you, please try to follow the doc's instructions! Harold y Kathy
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    Feliz Navidad!!

    The gifts are bought, the trucks are being loaded and tomorrow morning I will be leading down about 70+ volunteers with gifts,hot dogs and candy for 1500 to 2000 kids:aagh: sorry Chari I couldn't resist using your simile! Looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones! We...
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    We're home!

    We hit it at 4:15 no wait and a smooth trip til the parking lot on I-10! Thanks for all your help and it was great to meet Sunshine! You have a cool mom (but you probably already know that:-) )
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    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    You know us & kids Mark, let us know and we will also help!
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    Again the usa goes off half cocked

    Chari next food distribution is the 13th! All are welcome. also we are building a casita that weekend.
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    Food Distribution

    Chari you did great! Sorry about springing that on you. If they spoke to Blanca they would understand, she is very educated and loves the grandes palabras:-) She is a amazing person and our dearest friend.
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    Food Distribution

    Chari, it was great to finally meet you, thanks for the help (especially with Blanca's speech!) We had a wonderful weekend with AM food distribution then in the afternoon we had a clothes distribution event and a "blue tarp" event where we give out tarps to people who either have no roofs or the...
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    Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco

    Sorry to hear your having car problems Mark, anything we can do? We are bringing more supplies and two new copiers for your schools. Look forward to seeing you & Barb. ps We do a Christmas program every year (Mark has a video of last years) and the most requested gift was soccer balls size 4...
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    Done Deal ! Mark and Barb can handle that for you, great people!
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    "Beachfest" to Benefit La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida A.C.

    Mark thank you just doesn't seem to be enough, Kathy & I know this would not have happened without a lot of work on your part. We are blessed that you and your lovely wife have been such good friends and a wonderful addition to our little A.C. Harold aka "trade" & Kathy Tuttle
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    Deported Mexicans Social and Economic Effect on Puerto Penasco

    I can't give you a pecentage figure but I don't think it's a large one in Nuevo Penasco as it is a somewhat older and more established neighborhood. Some of the kids have a very hard time as you can imagine going from the opulence of the US to no stores no 100 channels of TV and for some no...
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    Deported Mexicans Social and Economic Effect on Puerto Penasco

    Our Community center is in the middle of Nuevo Penasco and we have been there many nights with no problems the people are for the most part the same as any other neighborhood, friendly and helpful. We also work in San Rafael and know many wonderful people there. We have been doing this now for...